October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

10 Essential Old Asian Traditions That Deserve To Survive


Old, Asian traditions are all but lost these days. It’s a shame, really, because there are some pretty cool ones out there. Take for example Samshu. Samshu is basically a fermented rice wine that the Chinese have been drinking for thousands of years. Or how about jade pendants? Those things have been around since before writing was invented! And who doesn’t love eating yak meat? I know I do!

10 Essential Old Asian Traditions That Deserve To Survive


Matchmaking is an important part of Chinese culture. In fact, it’s so important that the people who do it are called “Bao Gai.” Bao Gais are usually female and they’re tasked with matching couples based on the Chinese zodiac.

If you have a friend who wants to get married but doesn’t know where to start, consider hiring one for them!

Jade Pendants

The story of jade pendants is a long one, but it’s worth telling. Since ancient times, people have believed that jade has healing properties and can ward off evil spirits. Many cultures around the world have used jade to make jewelry–from Native Americans to Chinese emperors to European royalty.

Jade pendants are still worn today by many women as symbols of beauty, fertility and good luck. The most common type of jade is nephrite (also known as “Canadian” or “British Columbia” green), which is usually grayish green in color with white mottling throughout; other types include translucent white or milky white stones called “pearls;” red-brown stones called “cinnabar”; as well as black varieties known as basanite or pitchstone.[1]

A traditional way for women in China (and beyond) who want their husbands’ attention: wear lots of fancy jewelry! This includes lots of jade pieces–especially necklaces made from large beads strung together on silk threads.[2] You’ll never see an old Asian woman without some sort of accessory dangling from her neckline–it could be anything from gold chains all down past her waistline…to something more subtle like just one little bead hanging down inside her shirt collar.[3]


Samshu is a distilled spirit popular in China. It’s made from sorghum, millet, or wheat and is brewed in a large pot over an open flame.

Samshu has been around for centuries; the earliest mention of it comes from the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The recipe has changed over time but one thing remains constant: There’s no better way to warm up on cold winter nights than with some good ol’ samshu!

Fishing for Dragon Boats

Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese festival that takes place every summer, when people gather to honor the memory of poet Qu Yuan by racing boats decorated with paper lanterns and flags. The dragon boats are made from wood, bamboo and silk cloth. They are decorated with images of dragons or phoenixes on their bow and stern (front and rear) respectively.

The races are held in honor of Qu Yuan because he drowned himself in protest against corruption during his time as prime minister under King Huaiwang who ruled over a part of China known today as Hubei Province between 278 BC – 223 BC

Tea Ceremonies

Tea ceremonies are a way to bring people together.

Tea ceremonies are a way to show respect.

Tea ceremonies are a way to show gratitude, and they’re also important in celebrating special occasions like births, deaths, or weddings.

The Tradition of Bamboo Flutes

The tradition of bamboo flutes is one of the oldest in Asia, and it deserves to survive.

Bamboo flutes are traditionally made from bamboo, which is a plant that grows in many places around the world. These instruments have been used for music in many countries for centuries; they are played during religious ceremonies, celebrations and funerals as well as just for peace and serenity.

Singing in the Rain

Sing in the rain!

It’s a way to celebrate nature, connect with family and friends, and make the rain feel less like a burden and more like an opportunity.

Eating Yak Meat

Yak meat is delicious.

Yak meat is healthy.

Yak meat is a great source of protein.

Yak meat is a great alternative to beef and pork, which are often consumed in large quantities by people around the world, but can be difficult to digest for some individuals due to their high fat content and other ingredients such as hormones or antibiotics used during production that may not agree with your body’s current state of health (or maybe just plain taste like crap).

Drums and Bells of Bon Culture

Bon is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition that celebrates life and death. It’s celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Tibetan calendar, which falls in mid- to late August. The word bon means “to wish happiness” or “to make this world beautiful.”

Bon is an important part of many people’s lives because it gives them a chance to remember their ancestors who have died. Bon also helps them think about what they can do now that would make those ancestors proud and happy, so they don’t feel lonely or sad anymore–they feel proud too!

Old traditions are important to preserve.

Traditions are a way of life. They are an essential part of our culture and identity, as well as a way to connect with the past.

Traditions can be used as a tool for building community, whether it’s through family dinners or local holidays that bring everyone together. The most important aspect of keeping traditions alive is making sure they’re relevant in today’s world–and if you don’t have anything worth preserving, then it might be time to start creating some new ones!


So there you have it, 10 old Asian traditions that deserve to be preserved. If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more about other cultures, check out our website! You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter