October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

6 Tips For Finding Cheap Flights To International Festivals


Festivals are the best way to experience a new culture, meet new people and have fun. But they can also be expensive. From paying for tickets, travel and accommodation, festivals can cost thousands of dollars per person. If you don’t want to spend all your savings on transportation, accommodations and food at one event then here are some tips on how you can save money:

6 Tips For Finding Cheap Flights To International Festivals

Look for a festival that takes place after the festival season.

The festival season is in summer, so if you’re looking to travel and save money, look for a festival that takes place after the festival season. This way, you can enjoy yourself without having to pay for expensive flights and accommodations. For example, Burning Man takes place on Labor Day weekend (the first Monday of September). This means that if you want to go but don’t want all those crowds or high prices associated with traveling during peak season, then going later in the year would be ideal!

Check the dates of other festivals.

If you’re looking for cheap flights to an international festival, you may be able to save money by checking the dates of other festivals. If two or more festivals are happening in close proximity, it’s possible that airlines will offer special deals on tickets from one city to another.

For example: if there is a music festival happening in London and another music festival taking place in Edinburgh within a week of each other (or even just one day apart), then airlines might offer discounted tickets between London and Edinburgh as part of their promotions for both events. This way, instead of paying $300-$400 for one flight ticket from California all the way over here into Europe; we could potentially fly into Heathrow Airport outside London where we’d only have about $100 left over before having already arrived at our destination!

Get to know the weather in the area of the festival.

If you’re looking for cheap flights to an international festival, it’s important to know the weather in that area. Festivals are held all over the world, so it’s important to take into account local climate when booking your trip. If you don’t want your trip ruined by rain or extreme heat, make sure that you check out what kind of weather is typical for each destination before booking your flight!

For example: if you’re going somewhere tropical during monsoon season (which lasts from June through September), then expect heavy rain almost every day and lots of flooding throughout town–not exactly ideal conditions for a music festival! If possible try picking destinations with temperate climates and avoid tropical destinations during rainy seasons.

Find out what transport options are available before you book your flights.

  • Find out what transport options are available before you book your flights.
  • Consider going in an off-peak period.
  • Check the dates of other festivals and plan accordingly, as some may coincide with yours and offer cheaper accommodation options.
  • Get to know the weather in the area of your festival destination so that you can pack accordingly; this will also help determine if there are any events happening during those months which could affect travel times or prices significantly (like Christmas or New Years Eve).
  • Look for a festival that takes place after the festival season has ended, so that there’s less demand on accommodation prices and crowds become more manageable without losing out on all of those amazing artists!

Ask yourself how much you want to spend on accommodation.

  • Ask yourself how much you want to spend on accommodation.
  • Choose the location of your accommodation carefully.
  • Check out the cost of accommodation in the area and consider staying in a hostel or cheap hotel/guest house if necessary.
  • Look for a place to stay that is close to the festival (this will save time and money).

Consider going in an off-peak period.

If you’re planning to visit an international festival, consider going during an off-peak period. This can be a great way to save money and enjoy your trip more.

  • Off-peak periods are cheaper: Traveling during the off-peak season means that flights will generally be cheaper, as well as hotels and other travel expenses (like ground transportation).
  • Off-peak periods are quieter: Many festivals take place in rural areas where tourism is not very common; therefore, there is less tourism activity during these times. You will likely have better access to restaurants and shops without having to wait in long lines or deal with crowds at popular attractions like museums or landmarks.
  • Off-peak periods are less crowded: Crowdedness varies by country but generally speaking, festivals held during summer months tend to have larger crowds than those held during winter months or other times when fewer people travel due to weather conditions such as rainstorms or extreme heat/cold temperatures

You can enjoy festivals without breaking the bank if you plan in advance

If you’re a festival junkie, there’s no better time to be alive than right now. Festivals are popping up everywhere–from music festivals like Coachella to foodie festivals like Taste of Chicago and even film festivals like South by Southwest. If you want to catch all the action but don’t have an unlimited budget, consider these tips for finding cheap flights:

  • Look for festivals that take place after the festival season has ended. You’ll often find tickets at a discount during this period because many people have already bought their tickets and aren’t planning on going again anytime soon (or possibly ever).
  • Check out other events happening around the same time as your desired festival so that if one turns out not being worth it financially or logistically speaking, there will still be plenty of options available. For example: if Coachella is sold out when we first check its website but SXSW is still available when we look again two weeks later, then maybe we should go with Austin instead!


It’s not always easy to find cheap flights to international festivals, but it’s worth the effort. You’ll be able to save money on accommodation and probably food too. And if you plan ahead, there are plenty of ways that you can save money on travel costs too!

703. 6 Tips For Finding Cheap Flights To International Festivals


Festivals are the best way to experience a new culture, meet new people and have fun. But they can also be expensive. From paying for tickets, travel and accommodation, festivals can cost thousands of dollars per person. If you don’t want to spend all your savings on transportation, accommodations and food at one event then here are some tips on how you can save money:

6 Tips For Finding Cheap Flights To International Festivals

Look for a festival that takes place after the festival season.

The festival season is in summer, so if you’re looking to travel and save money, look for a festival that takes place after the festival season. This way, you can enjoy yourself without having to pay for expensive flights and accommodations. For example, Burning Man takes place on Labor Day weekend (the first Monday of September). This means that if you want to go but don’t want all those crowds or high prices associated with traveling during peak season, then going later in the year would be ideal!

Check the dates of other festivals.

If you’re looking for cheap flights to an international festival, you may be able to save money by checking the dates of other festivals. If two or more festivals are happening in close proximity, it’s possible that airlines will offer special deals on tickets from one city to another.

For example: if there is a music festival happening in London and another music festival taking place in Edinburgh within a week of each other (or even just one day apart), then airlines might offer discounted tickets between London and Edinburgh as part of their promotions for both events. This way, instead of paying $300-$400 for one flight ticket from California all the way over here into Europe; we could potentially fly into Heathrow Airport outside London where we’d only have about $100 left over before having already arrived at our destination!

Get to know the weather in the area of the festival.

If you’re looking for cheap flights to an international festival, it’s important to know the weather in that area. Festivals are held all over the world, so it’s important to take into account local climate when booking your trip. If you don’t want your trip ruined by rain or extreme heat, make sure that you check out what kind of weather is typical for each destination before booking your flight!

For example: if you’re going somewhere tropical during monsoon season (which lasts from June through September), then expect heavy rain almost every day and lots of flooding throughout town–not exactly ideal conditions for a music festival! If possible try picking destinations with temperate climates and avoid tropical destinations during rainy seasons.

Find out what transport options are available before you book your flights.

  • Find out what transport options are available before you book your flights.
  • Consider going in an off-peak period.
  • Check the dates of other festivals and plan accordingly, as some may coincide with yours and offer cheaper accommodation options.
  • Get to know the weather in the area of your festival destination so that you can pack accordingly; this will also help determine if there are any events happening during those months which could affect travel times or prices significantly (like Christmas or New Years Eve).
  • Look for a festival that takes place after the festival season has ended, so that there’s less demand on accommodation prices and crowds become more manageable without losing out on all of those amazing artists!

Ask yourself how much you want to spend on accommodation.

  • Ask yourself how much you want to spend on accommodation.
  • Choose the location of your accommodation carefully.
  • Check out the cost of accommodation in the area and consider staying in a hostel or cheap hotel/guest house if necessary.
  • Look for a place to stay that is close to the festival (this will save time and money).

Consider going in an off-peak period.

If you’re planning to visit an international festival, consider going during an off-peak period. This can be a great way to save money and enjoy your trip more.

  • Off-peak periods are cheaper: Traveling during the off-peak season means that flights will generally be cheaper, as well as hotels and other travel expenses (like ground transportation).
  • Off-peak periods are quieter: Many festivals take place in rural areas where tourism is not very common; therefore, there is less tourism activity during these times. You will likely have better access to restaurants and shops without having to wait in long lines or deal with crowds at popular attractions like museums or landmarks.
  • Off-peak periods are less crowded: Crowdedness varies by country but generally speaking, festivals held during summer months tend to have larger crowds than those held during winter months or other times when fewer people travel due to weather conditions such as rainstorms or extreme heat/cold temperatures

You can enjoy festivals without breaking the bank if you plan in advance

If you’re a festival junkie, there’s no better time to be alive than right now. Festivals are popping up everywhere–from music festivals like Coachella to foodie festivals like Taste of Chicago and even film festivals like South by Southwest. If you want to catch all the action but don’t have an unlimited budget, consider these tips for finding cheap flights:

  • Look for festivals that take place after the festival season has ended. You’ll often find tickets at a discount during this period because many people have already bought their tickets and aren’t planning on going again anytime soon (or possibly ever).
  • Check out other events happening around the same time as your desired festival so that if one turns out not being worth it financially or logistically speaking, there will still be plenty of options available. For example: if Coachella is sold out when we first check its website but SXSW is still available when we look again two weeks later, then maybe we should go with Austin instead!


It’s not always easy to find cheap flights to international festivals, but it’s worth the effort. You’ll be able to save money on accommodation and probably food too. And if you plan ahead, there are plenty of ways that you can save money on travel costs too!