October 19, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

A visual guide to the film festivals in Australia


The film industry in Australia is growing, and so are the number of festivals. If you’re wondering where to go for your next movie-watching adventure, look no further than this list. Here are some of the best Australian film festivals!

A visual guide to the film festivals in Australia

Asia Pacific Screen Awards

The Asia Pacific Screen Awards are presented by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards Foundation, an organization that aims to raise awareness of and promote filmmaking in the region. The awards are given out annually for films from countries around Australia, New Zealand and all over Asia (except Japan).

The ceremony takes place in November each year and is held in Brisbane, Queensland.

Brisbane International Film Festival

The Brisbane International Film Festival is a major event in Brisbane, Australia and one of the biggest film festivals on this side of the world. It’s held annually in March and attracts filmmakers from across Australia and overseas to showcase their work at this prestigious event.

The festival hosts a range of films from around the world including documentaries, short films and feature-length movies that have been submitted by independent filmmakers who want their work shown globally by industry professionals like yourself. The festival has been running since 2001 when it started off as an initiative by then Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson (who was also responsible for bringing events such as World Expo 88) with support from local businesses such as Village Roadshow Productions Pty Ltd., Hoyts Cinemas Group Pty Ltd., Queensland Theatre Company Pty Ltd., QTQ 8 Gold Coast Television Station 9Gem Channel 9 Sunshine Coast Television Station 7Brisbane Television Station).


CinefestOZ is a film festival held in Perth, Australia. It’s held in February each year and it’s a family friendly event that celebrates everything to do with films. The festival has many different categories including best feature film, best short film and best documentary. They also have an awards ceremony where they give out awards for these categories as well as others like best actor/actress or cinematography (the job of filming).

CinefestOZ showcases Australian films so if you want to see new movies before they come out on DVD or Netflix then this is probably one of the best places for you!

Darwin International Film Festival

The Darwin International Film Festival is held annually in July, and it’s one of the most unique film festivals in Australia. The festival takes place in Darwin, a city on Australia’s tropical north coast. It has been running since 2002 and showcases films from all over the world that explore issues facing Indigenous people today.

The festival has two categories: Feature Films and Documentary Films. Films being shown this year include “The Bark Canoes” (a documentary about an Aboriginal man who builds canoes), “The Bitter End” (about a group of women who have survived domestic violence), “Blackbird” (a story about race relations between Aboriginal people and police) and many more! If you’re interested in getting involved with this festival as either an actor or crew member then check out their website for more information!


Flickerfest is an international film festival held in Australia. It’s a celebration of short film, and one of the largest short film festivals in the world.

Flickerfest is held every year in late February, with events taking place across both Sydney and Melbourne. The festival has been running for over 30 years, so if you’re looking for something new to watch this year then check out Flickerfest!

Melbourne International Animation Festival

  • Dates: 27th July – 1st August
  • Location: Melbourne, VIC
  • About the festival: The Melbourne International Animation Festival is one of the most prestigious animation festivals in Australia. It has been running since 1991 and has been held annually since 1999. The festival is open to both amateur and professional animators from all over the world.

It features screenings of both short films and feature-length films, as well as workshops and panel discussions by industry experts. Past winners include Oscar nominees such as Spike Jonze (How To Train Your Dragon 2), Don Hertzfeldt (World Of Tomorrow) or Patrick Osborne (Feast). Tickets can be bought online or at the door on a first come first served basis for $15 AUD per session ($20 for VIP tickets).

Sydney Film Festival

The Sydney Film Festival is the largest film festival in Australia, and it’s been running since 1954. The event takes place over ten days each June at the State Theatre and other venues across Sydney. The inaugural festival was held just two years after the end of World War II–a time when many Australians were eager for new entertainment options and experiences.

The festival began as a celebration of Australian cinema with only 35 films being screened during its first year (and none were international). Today, it attracts over 150 feature films from around the world each year while also offering several short-film programs that showcase local talent alongside international filmmakers who have made an impact on their craft.

Tropfest Short Film Festival

Tropfest is an annual short film festival held in Sydney, Australia. The festival was founded by John Polson and Peter Campbell in 1993. It is the world’s largest short film festival and has been held every year except 1999, when it was cancelled due to the outbreak of disease in Sydney that year.

The Tropfest Awards are presented each year as part of a gala event which takes place at Bondi Beach Cinema and attracts around 10,000 people each night.

There are a lot of festivals to choose from.

There are a lot of festivals to choose from. Some are more popular than others, some have better food and some are better for networking.

You’ll want to look at the type of festival you want before booking your tickets. If it’s an outdoor event with lots of people, then maybe you should consider finding one that’s family friendly or has good live music acts playing during the day so everyone can enjoy themselves without too much noise coming from other tents nearby (or perhaps even inside!). On the other hand if it’s just adults who want something more low key then maybe you should look at what types of activities there are available on site such as yoga classes or massage therapists who offer treatments while waiting in line for rides or shows!


There are many film festivals in Australia, and each one has its own unique vibe. You can’t go wrong with any of them!