October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Asia’s Most Iconic Landmarks


If you’ve traveled to Asia (or are planning to), you’ve likely heard of the region’s most iconic landmarks. They’re some of the most well-known destinations in the world and have been visited by thousands upon thousands of people over the years. But what about all those other places? What about those land marks that aren’t quite as popular or famous but still deserve a spot on your bucket list?

Asia’s Most Iconic Landmarks

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic landmarks in Asia, and it’s not hard to see why. The structure stretches across more than 5,000 miles (8,000 km), making it the longest man-made structure in the world. It was built to protect China from invaders, but now attracts millions of tourists each year who want to experience its magnificence firsthand.

The Great Wall was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 because it represents an outstanding example of human achievement through centuries of construction and modification. It’s also considered one of the Seven Wonders Of The Modern World by both American and European culture experts!

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, located in Agra, India, is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (also known as Mumtaz Begum), it was completed in 1653 after 22 years of construction. The Taj Mahal was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with several other monuments within Agra Fort by UNESCO on July 7th 1983.

The Taj Mahal rises from its base with four octagonal minarets at each corner that taper upwards into pointed finials and then gently curve back down towards ground level again where they meet an archway topped with another smaller dome that sits above an elegant entranceway leading inside through carved marble doors decorated with calligraphy inscriptions from the Qu’ran (Koran). Inside this doorway lies one of India’s most famous monuments – an immense garden made up entirely out of white marble stones cut into perfect shapes like flowers or leaves which surround what looks like two giant tombs but really houses only one: Mumtaz Begum’s tomb sits directly beneath hers husband’s so that when people visit either one they are actually visiting both at once!

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia. It was built by the Khmer Empire in the 12th century and is one of the largest religious monuments in the world. Angkor Wat is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means it’s protected by international law. The site has been nominated multiple times as one of Asia’s Most Iconic Landmarks because of its beauty and historical significance!

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the oldest structures in the world and it’s still standing. It was built in 1173, which means it can claim to be older than some buildings you may have visited during your trip to Europe. The tower stands at over 200 feet tall, but its famous tilt makes it look even taller than that.

The leaning began when construction workers used poor quality materials for the foundations and didn’t dig deep enough into bedrock when laying them down. As a result, over time and due to earthquakes, this iconic landmark has slowly begun to lean more than 2 meters off its original axis–and there doesn’t seem to be any stopping it!

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Cusco Region of Peru. It was constructed around 1450 AD as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti, who used it as a retreat from his duties at court and also as a sacred site to worship Viracocha, the god of creation. The city was abandoned due to Spanish conquest in 1572; however, it wasn’t until 1911 that Hiram Bingham rediscovered Machu Picchu and brought it into public awareness.

Today, visitors can take guided tours through this UNESCO World Heritage Site’s ruins–which include temples made from granite blocks known locally as “stone trees” because their shapes resemble those found growing naturally in nearby mountains–as well as visit underground tunnels where religious ceremonies were once performed by priests using hallucinogenic plants like ayahuasca (or yage) derived from jungle vines found only within certain areas surrounding Cusco City

Petra, Jordan

Petra, Jordan

Petra is an ancient city located in southern Jordan that was once the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom. The Nabataeans were nomads who settled in this area in the 4th century BC and built a thriving trade network with their neighbors. They built impressive buildings out of rock and mudbrick, including elaborate facades and massive tombs for their kings. Petra is famous for its rock-cut architecture, which can be seen throughout the city’s many monuments such as Al Khazneh (“the Treasury”), Siq al Barid (a gorge), Jabal Haroun (“Aaron’s Mountain”), Marib Dam and more!

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in Wiltshire, England. It’s a prehistoric stone circle that was built between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. Stonehenge is one of the most famous ancient monuments in the world and has been a popular tourist attraction since the 18th century when it was first restored as an open-air museum by architect William Kent.

Stonehenge is believed to have been constructed as a temple or burial ground by Neolithic people who lived in nearby villages during their summer months, but its true purpose remains unknown–it could be used for religious ceremonies or astronomical observations (the site aligns with sunrise during summer solstice).

The Colosseum, Italy

The Colosseum, Italy

The Colosseum is an iconic landmark in Rome. It’s the largest amphitheatre ever built and it’s also the largest building of ancient times. The Colosseum is a symbol of Rome and has been featured in many movies such as Gladiator, Spartacus, Ben Hur and more recently Assassin’s Creed II where you can see this beautiful ancient structure from all angles!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at some of the most iconic landmarks in Asia. We know there are so many more that we could have included, but we wanted to keep things manageable. If there are any other sites that you think should be on this list, let us know in the comments!