October 20, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Australia: A Culinary Daunting Land


Australia is one of the most unique countries in the world, with a diverse range of landscapes and wildlife. With so many interesting things to see and do, it’s no surprise that travellers flock here each year. But there’s more to Australia than just its beautiful beaches — you can also enjoy some of the best culinary experiences in the world as well! From crocodile meat to kangaroo burgers, here are some foods you may want to try when visiting Down Under:

Australia: A Culinary Daunting Land


Crocodiles are large reptiles found in Northern Australia. They are dangerous to humans, and their numbers have been reduced by hunting and habitat loss. Crocodiles eat fish, frogs and smaller crocodiles.

The southern saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile on earth today – reaching up to 6 meters (20 feet) in length! It can weigh up to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds). This species once occurred throughout most of Australia’s tropical waters but today occurs only in northern Australia where it has been protected from hunting since 1971.


Kangaroos are the only large animal that can jump high and far, hop and walk backwards. There are about 50 different species of kangaroo, including wallabies (the smallest), tree kangaroos (the largest) and bettongs (the most endangered). They range in size from 6 inches to 6 feet tall when standing on their hind legs; however, most species stand between 3 feet to 4 feet tall. Kangaroos have long tails for balance while hopping around their habitats which include grasslands or woodlands found throughout Australia as well as some parts of New Guinea, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.


Emu is a large, flightless bird native to Australia. It is the second largest living bird by height, after Ostriches. Emus can grow up to 2 m tall and weigh up to 35 kg. The emu has a long neck and brown plumage with black stripes on its body that helps it blend into its surroundings when resting in trees or bushes during daylight hours; at night it uses its sense of hearing and smell more than vision when seeking food or danger.

Emu meat has been described as tasting like turkey but tougher, with an appearance similar to beef jerky when cooked correctly. However some people find it too gamey for their taste buds


Wombats are marsupials, which means they carry their young in a pouch. They’re herbivores and nocturnal, but they aren’t related to kangaroos (they look similar because they both evolved in Australia). Wombats have powerful digging muzzles and short legs that help them dig burrows underground where they live most of their lives.


Barramundi is the name of a fish species in the family Latesidae. It is found in fresh water rivers and streams, especially those with sandy bottoms, where it digs burrows. Barramundi can grow up to 1.5 m long and weigh up to 15 kg (33 lb).

The barramundi has a body shape typical of many fishes: its head has two eyes and mouth on one end; its tail fin extends from behind its gills back towards its belly; and it has fins along its sides as well as one behind each eye.[1] Its scales are large and smooth-edged[2][3] with no spines or ridges on their upper surface.[4]

Morel Mushrooms

Morels are a type of mushroom that grow in forests and can be found during the spring. They’re prized by chefs because of their distinctive look and taste, but they’re also very expensive to buy in stores.

Morels have been described as resembling honeycombs or sponge-like shapes with pointed tops, making them easy to identify if you know what you’re looking for (and even easier if someone else points them out). If you don’t know what kind of mushroom you’re picking, there’s no need to worry–you’ll just end up with another delicious variety!

Saltwater Crocodile aka Fresh Water Crocodile aka ‘Salties’ – These are a danger to humans. They have been known to attack and kill. They will eat anything they can fit in their mouth, but most often eat fish, frogs and smaller crocodiles. They are found mostly in Northern Australia and there are only a few thousand left in the wild after being hunted almost to extinction by man. There is a large breeding program where eggs are hatched and raised at breeding farms before being released into the wild when they reach about 1 m long (4 years old). There are also some captive eating places where you can try crocodile meat. It is expensive at around $80-100/kg (as of 2012)

There’s nothing like a plate of fresh crocodile meat. But if you don’t want to be eaten by one, we recommend avoiding them altogether!

Crocodiles aren’t just dangerous animals–they’re also endangered due to hunting and habitat destruction. If you do decide to try some croc-on-the-bone, make sure that it comes from a sustainable source–not the wild!


If you are brave enough to try crocodile meat (and have the money), there are restaurants in Australia that serve it. You can also find crocodile eggs at some specialty grocery stores and markets.