October 22, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Australian Cuisine: The Tastiest Way to Travel Down Under


When it comes to travel, Australia is one of the most exotic places in the world. The country has a unique culture that is unlike anything else on earth. Its people are friendly and welcoming; its landscape is diverse; and its cuisine is unlike anything you’ve ever tasted before. Whether you’re visiting the Outback or Sydney, here are some food items you need to try on your trip Down Under:

Australian Cuisine: The Tastiest Way to Travel Down Under

Some of the best Australian dishes are made with meat, while others feature seafood.

Some of the best Australian dishes are made with meat, while others feature seafood.

The meat pie is a popular choice for lunch or dinner and can be eaten either hot or cold. This savory pastry is filled with minced beef, onions and seasonings that vary by region. Crocodile steaks are another popular dish–although this one might not be for everyone! Barbecued kangaroo steaks are also quite common on menus throughout Australia but have gained popularity in other parts of the world as well.

Fish ‘n’ chips originated in Britain but has become an iconic Australian meal since being introduced to Australians by European immigrants during colonial times (and then exported back overseas). People eat it as fast food at fish-and-chip shops or sit down at restaurants like Bill’s Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar in Sydney where they serve up their version served with tartar sauce instead of traditional vinegar-based sauces found elsewhere

When in Australia, try a “pie floater,” a meat pie served in gravy with peas and mashed potatoes on top.

When in Australia, try a “pie floater,” a meat pie served in gravy with peas and mashed potatoes on top. A pavlova is an egg-based meringue dessert that originated from New Zealand. It’s traditionally topped with whipped cream, fruit and nuts. Lamingtons are sponge cakes dipped in chocolate icing then rolled in desiccated coconut flakes.

A lamington is a square piece of sponge cake coated in chocolate with coconut on top.

Lamingtons are a square piece of sponge cake coated in chocolate with coconut on top. They’re a popular dessert in Australia and named after Lord Lamington, who was Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901.

There are many variations of Thai food, but curries are always popular.

There are many variations of Thai food, but curries are always popular. Thai curries have a distinct flavor and come in many different varieties. They’re also known for being spicy–so if you’re not a fan of heat, you may want to steer clear of this dish!

Thai cuisine is known for its use of fresh ingredients and its healthy ingredients like coconut milk (which gives most Thai dishes their distinctive taste).

For dessert, try the pavlova, an Australian meringue cake made with cream and fruit.

For dessert, try the pavlova, an Australian meringue cake made with cream and fruit. If you’ve never had one before but are feeling adventurous, give it a go! You’ll need:

  • 3 large egg whites (Separated from yolks)
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp white vinegar (To stabilize the egg whites.)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar (For sweetening.)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (To balance out sweetness.)

To make your pavlova: Separate 3 large eggs into two separate bowls–one containing 2 whole eggs and one containing just yolks. Add 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar or 1 teaspoon white vinegar to each bowl; this will help stabilize them so they don’t fall apart during mixing later on. Beat until thickened and foamy; when you lift out the beater after beating for about 30 seconds, there should be no liquid pooled at bottom of bowl anymore–if there is still some liquid left over after beating for 45 seconds then add another tablespoonful each time until all traces disappear from bottom surface area so nothing gets wasted during baking process later on!

Be careful when eating because some foods can be very spicy!

As you travel around Australia, be careful when eating because some foods can be very spicy! The spiciness of a dish can vary from restaurant to restaurant and even region to region. If you’re not used to spicy food, then start small and work your way up. Don’t forget: everything tastes better with a cold beer in hand!


The best way to try all these delicious Australian dishes is by traveling down under. There are so many different foods and flavors to explore in this beautiful country, so why not make it an adventure? Whether you’re looking for something spicy or sweet–or anything in between!