Introduction Festivals are an excellent opportunity to explore new cultures around the world! Festivals come in all shapes and sizes, so if you’re looking for something more laid-back than a huge music festival, no problem! There are festivals dedicated to just about everything: food, dance, art…you name it! Here are […]
Travel Tips
Introduction The art-lover’s world is vast, and it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of seeing only what’s close at hand. While there’s no shame in exploring the local art scene first, it can be very rewarding to branch out and explore the wider world of museums with […]
Introduction You’re going to the festival! I know, it’s so exciting. The travel, the people you’ll meet, and best of all: the music. But wait a second—did you factor in all those hidden costs? The answer is probably “no,” but don’t worry; I’m here to help. Whether you’re going abroad […]
Introduction Festivals are one of the best ways to experience a city or country. They’re also easy to plan for! But if you’re on a budget, festivals can be tough. Luckily, there are some tricks you can use to make sure that your trip doesn’t break the bank. Here are […]
Introduction Travelling can be an expensive affair, especially if you’re not careful. You may have to save up for months before your next trip, or worse – cut out some of your favorite activities because they’re just too pricey. But there’s one thing that won’t cost you a dime: food! […]
Introduction Finding good food is one of the best parts of traveling. But with so many options, it can be a real challenge to find the best place to eat whatever you’re craving. And if you’re visiting a city for only a few days, with limited time and research resources […]
Introduction There are some cities out there that are just made for food adventurers. Whether you’re looking for the best burgers, or want to try something new, these 10 cities have it all. Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland is a foodie paradise. It has the most breweries per capita in […]
Introduction There are so many fun events, festivals, and conventions to go to around the world. The only problem is they can be expensive! That’s why I’ve put together this list of ways you can travel to them for free or dirt cheap. You’ll have a blast and save money […]
Introduction If you want to learn about a place and its people, there’s no better way than exploring it on foot. Travel is one of the best ways to gain a deeper understanding of cultures around the world and get to know your fellow humans in a way that can’t […]
Introduction Travelling the world is a dream for many, but it can also be an expensive one. If you want to travel on a budget, there are lots of ways that you can save money while still having an amazing experience in other countries. Here are some tips for planning […]