October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Eight Iconic African Landmarks


If you’re thinking about visiting Africa, you should consider these iconic landmarks. They are the most impressive natural features on the continent and have been attracting visitors for decades.

Eight Iconic African Landmarks

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a waterfall in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is located between two of the largest islands in the world, the Zambezi and Livingstone.

The falls are 480 meters (1,575 feet) wide and 100 meters (328 feet) high at their greatest extent during full river flow; during dry season they can be as small as 20 meters (66 feet).

The Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater is a caldera in the north of Tanzania, on the edge of the Serengeti National Park. It’s known as a World Heritage Site and a national park–the only conservation area in Africa where you can see lions, elephants and rhinos all together in one place.

The crater is formed by three overlapping volcanoes: Oldonyo Lengai (Mountain of God), Ngorongoro itself and Longido. These volcanoes erupted between 1 million years ago until 20 000 years ago creating this massive depression through which lava flowed outwards from fissures on its sides creating steep cliffs around its rim upwards to an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level!

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania, Africa. It’s the highest free-standing mountain in the world and one of the most popular tourist destinations on the continent. The mountain stands 19,340 feet tall and is made up of three distinct volcanic cones: Shira (6,896 m), Mawenzi (5,149 m) and Kibo (5,895 m).

Mount Kilimanjaro was formed millions of years ago when two tectonic plates collided beneath it; this created pressure that eventually caused magma to rise from deep within Earth’s crust to form new rock layers above these plates. Eventually those new layers formed into what we now know as Mount Kilimanjaro today–a towering edifice with three distinct peaks that attract climbers from around the world year after year!

The Sahara Desert

The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest hot desert, covering most of Northern Africa. The desert is divided into three major regions: the Western Sahara, Eastern Sahara and Southern Libya. Its landscape includes sand dunes as high as 1000 meters (3281 feet), rocky plains and salt flats.

The harsh conditions found in this region makes it difficult for humans to live there but some people do make their homes here, living off what they can grow or find in their environment such as palm trees that provide shade from the sun during summer months when temperatures can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 F).

The Sahara is home to many unique species of plants and animals such as camels which graze on grasses growing over large areas without water access due to lack rainfall throughout year round except during rainy season between October – February every year where rainfall averages about 15 mm per month across entire region making it total amounting up approximately 150 mm annually–still far less than needed by plant life so all other times remain dry; thus requiring animals like camels which are adapted survive without drinking water since their bodies have evolved ways conserve moisture through evaporation process during hot days under bright sun’s rays

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park is one of the most famous national parks in the world. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to some of the most important wildlife populations on earth, including wildebeest, zebra and giraffe.

The park covers an area of 14 000 square kilometres (5 690 square miles) along Tanzania’s border with Kenya and Uganda. It was established as a game reserve in 1951 before being upgraded to national park status in 1959 by colonial authorities who wanted to protect its natural resources while allowing tourists access for hunting trips or safaris (wildlife tours).

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is a city in South Africa, located on the Cape of Good Hope. It’s known for its beaches, art and history. The city has a population of 3.7 million people and is the second largest city in South Africa after Johannesburg (the country’s financial center).

Cape Point, South Africa

Cape Point is a headland in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It is located at the most southern tip of the African continent and forms part of the Table Mountain National Park, which also includes two well-known mountains: Table Mountain (1,086 m) and Devil’s Peak (848 m).

Cape Point has been declared a nature reserve, with several hiking trails leading up to it from both sides–the west side being less steep than its eastern counterpart. There are many scenic spots along these routes including Tafelberg Reserve, Rondebosch Common and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. The lighthouse at Cape Point was built in 1901 at an elevation of 72 meters above sea level.

Table Mountain, South Africa

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town, South Africa. It is a well-known landmark to locals and visitors alike, offering spectacular views of both the city and surrounding countryside.

Table Mountain has been declared one of South Africa’s national monuments and is managed by the Table Mountain National Park Board via their subsidiary company Table Mountain Aerial Cableway (TMAC), who operate two cableway stations on its lower slopes: Tafelberg station at Constantia Nek Road in Constantia Village;and Main Station near Upper Cable Station Road on Kloof Nek Road in Gardens suburb.

If you visit Africa, you should make sure to visit these landmarks.

  • Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe

Getting there: The closest airport is Livingstone International Airport, which is about 30 minutes from the falls by car or taxi.

  • Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Getting there: You can reach this national park via Arusha or Moshi in northern Tanzania; it’s also accessible from Kenya and Uganda by road or air travel. A guide will help you navigate the mountain and its trails safely while providing historical insight into local traditions along the way (though they aren’t necessary). The best times to climb are June through October or December through March; other months may be too wet for safe climbing conditions depending on where you’re starting at base camp versus summit peak itself–so if you’re planning on hiking up during off-season months make sure that’s okay with your guide before setting out! It takes roughly five days total including rest days along way so plan accordingly! Bring rain gear just in case since rains tend happen sporadically throughout year especially during rainy season which lasts from November until April each year.”


These are just a few of the many iconic landmarks in Africa. If you’re planning a trip to this amazing continent, make sure to include at least one of these!