October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Exploring the Iconic Landmarks of Africa


When it comes to travel, the most popular destination on Earth is Africa. The continent is rich in history, culture and natural beauty, which makes it a fantastic place for you to explore if you want an adventure like no other. From its iconic landmarks like Victoria Falls and Mount Kilimanjaro to its diverse wildlife that lives in game parks such as the Ngorongoro Crater, there’s something for everyone who visits this magnificent continent. In this blog post we’ll take a look at some of these incredible places:

Exploring the Iconic Landmarks of Africa

1. Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls is the world’s largest waterfall by volume of water and width of curtain. It is almost twice as wide as Niagara Falls at a distance of only 30 km from the Zimbabwe border and 4 km from Botswana border on the Zambezi River (Africa’s fourth largest river).

The spray from this mighty cataract can be seen from miles away, making it one of Africa’s most spectacular natural wonders.

2. Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It’s the highest peak in Africa and the highest free-standing mountain in the world, located near the equator with a tropical climate.

The first recorded climb to its summit was by Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller in 1889, who reached Uhuru Peak (5895 meters). Since then many more people have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, including Queen Elizabeth II during her royal visit to Kenya and Uganda in 1954.

3. Cape Town

Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa and the legislative capital. It has a population of 4 million people, making it the most populous city on the continent.

Cape Town was founded by Europeans as a supply port for ships traveling between Europe and Asia via the Cape of Good Hope. It’s located at the southern tip of Africa on Table Bay, which opens out into False Bay and then extends northward beyond Cape Point toward Robben Island–a former prison where Nelson Mandela spent nearly 20 years before being released in 1990.

4. The Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater is a caldera in the Crater Highlands of Tanzania, formed by a massive volcanic eruption about 1.3 million years ago. It is the largest unbroken caldera in the world and an important site for wildlife conservation.

Ngorongoro Crater was first described as “the eye of Africa” by John Walter Gregory in 1884 because it resembles an eyeball when viewed from above. The Maasai people believe that God created Adam here, and so they call it “Ngorengore” or “place where man was created”.

The crater floor has been designated as part of Serengeti National Park since 1919; however, most visitors choose to stay outside its boundaries because they want to see more wildlife than just what lives within them (which includes lions, leopards and hyenas).

5. The Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the best place to see wildebeest migration. It’s also home to many other animals, including lions, elephants, zebras and giraffes. If you want to explore it on your own or want some help planning your trip there we recommend checking out our section about planning your own safari in Africa!

6. Table Mountain and Cape Town’s Peninsula

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town, South Africa, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a significant tourist destination, with many visitors using the cableway or hiking up to the top.

The mountain forms part of the Table Mountain National Park which has been declared as heritage site by UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999 due to its natural beauty.

7. Robben Island and the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, South Africa

Robben Island is a former prison off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa that served as a site for political prisoners during apartheid. The island was home to Nelson Mandela and other prominent anti-apartheid activists who were arrested by South African authorities for their opposition to racial segregation.

Today, Robben Island is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses an impressive museum dedicated to telling these stories through interactive exhibits and educational programs. The island also offers tours led by former inmates who can recount their own experiences living there during this difficult time in history–a truly unique experience!

8. The Mosi-oa-Tunya (The Smoke That Thunders) in Livingstone

The Mosi-oa-Tunya (The Smoke That Thunders) in Livingstone, Zambia (also known as Victoria Falls) is the world’s largest waterfall by volume of water and width of curtain. It’s almost twice as wide as Niagara Falls at a distance of only 30 km from the Zimbabwe border and 4 km from Botswana border on the Zambezi River (Africa’s fourth largest river). The name “Mosi-oa-Tunya” literally means “the smoke that thunders”, but it is also known as just “Victoria Falls”.

In fact, there were several different spellings for this magnificent waterfall before Livingstone settled on “Victoria Falls”, but none of those versions were correct since it wasn’t named for her majesty after all!


We hope you enjoyed reading about these fascinating monuments of Africa. If there are any other sites that you think should be on our list, please let us know in the comments below!