October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Historic Places of Pennsylvania, The Birthplace of American Liberty


No matter where you are in Pennsylvania, there’s always a historical place nearby. From Independence Hall to the Liberty Bell and Washington Monument Cemetery, these historic places of Pennsylvania are must-sees for every American who loves their country

Historic Places of Pennsylvania, The Birthplace of American Liberty.

Independence Hall

Independence Hall is a national historic landmark in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was the site of the First Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention, where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were debated and adopted. Today it is part of Independence National Historical Park, with tours available throughout most of the year.

Independence Hall was designed by Edmund Woolley (1689-1769) who also designed Carpenter’s Hall (1770) and City Tavern (1773). Construction began in 1732 with some funds donated by Benjamin Franklin; however work stopped after only two years when local funds ran out due to lack of support from members of the Assembly who were not allowed inside until after its completion in 1735.[4] The building was not completed until 1753 due to ongoing conflicts within Pennsylvania over control between Royal Governors John Penn[5][6]and William Keith.[7][8]

The Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The bell is made of copper and was cast in London in 1752 by Whitechapel Bell Foundry. It weighs 2,000 pounds and measures 27 inches high by 21 inches wide at the mouth of its flared lip.

The historic artifact has become synonymous with American independence and freedom, having been rung on July 8th 1776 to announce the signing of a document declaring America’s separation from Great Britain as well as for other ceremonial occasions throughout history including weddings and funerals. The inscription within reads: “Proclaim liberty throughout all lands unto all inhabitants thereof.”

If you want to visit this iconic symbol of American history yourself then head over there now!

Washington Monument Cemetery

Washington Monument Cemetery is located in Alexandria, Virginia. The cemetery was established in 1849 as a private burial ground for members of Christ Church, where President Washington worshiped and was buried with his wife Martha. It’s on a hilltop above the Potomac River with views of Mount Vernon and McLean Gardens.

Betsy Ross House

The Betsy Ross House is located at 239 Arch Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was built around 1760 and is known for being the home of Betsy Ross, who sewed the first American flag.

The house is open to visitors every day except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day from 9 am until 5 pm (closed January 1). Admission costs $4 for adults; $3 for seniors 62 years old or older; $2 per child aged 6-12 years old; children 5 years old or younger are free with an adult paying full price admission.

Moravian Church First House of Worship in America – Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

The Moravian Church was founded in 1457 by John Huss, a Catholic priest who led a reform movement within the church. Huss was excommunicated from the Catholic Church for his teachings and beliefs, which included denying transubstantiation (the belief that bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ during communion) and advocating for women’s rights. He was burned at the stake for his preaching against corruption within both Catholicism and Protestantism.

The first Moravian Church in America was built in 1741; it still stands today as part of Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites’ collection. It is currently used by members of The United Brethren Church – a denomination that broke away from other Moravians over doctrinal differences regarding baptismal regeneration vs free will salvation – but serves as an important reminder of how missionaries helped shape our country’s history through their faithfulness to God’s call on their lives

There are many historical places in Pennsylvania.

There are many historical places in the state of Pennsylvania. The birth place of American liberty, Pennsylvania has many historical landmarks and sites to visit. These include:

  • The Liberty Bell
  • Independence Hall
  • Valley Forge National Historical Park


With all of these historical places, it’s easy to see why Pennsylvania is such a great state. If you’re looking for someplace new to explore or just want to learn more about your home state, then check out these sites!