October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Of Wonder, Worship, and Work: The Beauty of Asia 5000 BC–2010 CE


The history of Asia is rich and full of wonder. It was a time when people built great cities, created beautiful art, and worshiped many different gods. Whether your interest lies in the culture of China or India, this guide will help you learn about some of the most important events that shaped the region for thousands of years.

Of Wonder, Worship, and Work: The Beauty of Asia 5000 BC–2010 CE

The Wonders of Asia

The Wonders of Asia are a collection of man-made structures and sites that are considered among the most significant works of human ingenuity and creativity. They were drafted by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2000, before being modified slightly in 2007 to include new entries.

The list includes:

  • Great Wall of China
  • Taj Mahal
  • Temple Mount/Western Wall (Jerusalem)

Worship in Asia

Worship in Asia is very diverse. Worship is practiced by many different people, and it can be found in almost every religion. It’s important to remember that worship isn’t just about religious rituals–it’s also about honoring your ancestors, or giving thanks for life’s blessings.

The most popular forms of worship are Buddhism, Hinduism (which includes many different religions), Islam and Christianity. Some people practice more than one religion at a time!

Work in Asia

When you think of Asia, what comes to mind? Perhaps you imagine a place filled with exotic cultures and exciting opportunities for travel. You may also picture bustling cities filled with people from all over the world–a place where you can work hard and succeed, or relax in peace and quiet. Whatever your vision of Asia is, it’s likely that work is part of it–and always has been.

Work was central to life in ancient civilizations such as China and India because these societies were based on agriculture; without workers who were willing to harvest crops, there would be no food for anyone else! In addition to working fields or tending livestock like cows or sheep (which provide milk), many Asian laborers also performed other types of manual labor such as building bridges over rivers or digging irrigation channels through fields so farmers could grow more crops than they could have otherwise grown without irrigation systems like these ones being built by skilled laborers working together as teams under someone else’s direction (often an emperor).

This is a great way to learn about the history of Asian art and culture.

This is a great way to learn about the history of Asian art and culture.

This book is a good way to learn about the history of Asian art and culture.


This is a great way to learn about the history of Asian art and culture.