October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

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The 10 Most Beautiful Paintings of the European Art History


The art history of Europe is filled with some iconic paintings. From famous Renaissance artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli to modern masters like Claude Monet and Wassily Kandinsky, European painters have created many works that have become not only famous but also visually stunning. From religious themes to portraits of people and landscapes, these are the most beautiful paintings in European history:

The 10 Most Beautiful Paintings of the European Art History

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1486)

The Birth of Venus is a painting by Sandro Botticelli, dating from 1486. It is housed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

The painting depicts the goddess Venus (Aphrodite), who has just emerged from the sea and clings to an oyster shell as she steps onto land for the first time since birth. She has come ashore at Amalfi Coast near Sorrento, where Greek poets once placed her birth place.[1]

In Greek Mythology it was said that Venus was born when Ouranos’ semen fell into the Oceanus and foam formed around it; this was later known as Aphrodite.[2]

Botticelli painted this piece after returning from his first trip outside Florence; while he was away he studied other artists’ work including those by Piero di Cosimo.[3] There are many similarities between Botticelli’s style and Piero di Cosimo’s work – most notably their use of coloration among others such as perspective used throughout both paintings.[4][5]

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (1495-1498)

The Last Supper is an oil painting on a wall in Milan, Italy. It was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza and completed in 1498.

The painting shows Jesus Christ and his disciples at the last supper before his crucifixion. It is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous works and has been admired by many artists including Michelangelo who said: “It is divine”. The painting measures 9.5 meters long but only 1 meter high which makes it unusual as most religious paintings are big enough for people to see them from far away

St. Jerome Writing His Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Albrecht Durer (1507)

This painting was completed by Albrecht Durer in 1507. It is a portrait of St. Jerome, who was a priest and scholar in the 4th century AD. The painting is part of the Pre-Raphaelite movement and is housed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C..

The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and Donors, also known as Madonna of Burgher Philips and Jacob Jordaens (1628)

The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and Donors, also known as Madonna of Burgher Philips and Jacob Jordaens (1628)

The National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. houses this painting by Albrecht Durer, who was known for his portraits and religious works. The subject matter is typical of many paintings from this era: it’s a Madonna and Child piece that features both saints along with the donor – in this case, Burgher Philips who commissioned it. The colors used are very vibrant and beautiful!

The Water Lily Pond by Claude Monet (1899)

The Water Lily Pond is a watercolor painting by Claude Monet. It was painted in 1899, and it’s currently on display at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C..

The painting measures 46 x 66 centimeters (18 x 26 inches). The canvas consists of oil on canvas; it’s one of the more than 2,000 works that make up the permanent collection at this gallery.

Self-Portrait as a Painter, also known as Portrait of the Artist at 26 Years Old, by Rembrandt van Rijn (1660)

Rembrandt’s self-portrait is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It was painted in 1660 and hangs in the National Gallery in London, where visitors can see it on display. The painting shows Rembrandt at 26 years old, looking very sad and serious as he holds his brush up to his face like a mirror.

In this painting, Rembrandt portrays himself as a painter who is deep in thought about his art–and perhaps also about how he sees himself as an artist?

The Card Players by Paul Cezanne

The Card Players is a painting by Paul Cezanne. It was painted in 1892 and currently displayed at the National Gallery in London, UK. The piece has been sold for $250 million at auction, making it one of the most expensive paintings ever sold.

Three Bathers Surprised by a Sudden Shower, or Baigneurs surpris par une pluie torrentielle, also known as Young Woman Bathing in Sunshine or A Woman Bathing in Waterfall by Monet

If you’re looking for a painting that will take your breath away, this is it. This painting was painted in 1875 and is one of the most popular paintings in the world. It’s called Three Bathers Surprised by a Sudden Shower, or Baigneurs surpris par une pluie torrentielle, also known as Young Woman Bathing in Sunshine or A Woman Bathing in Waterfall by Monet.

Monet painted this piece after visiting an art museum where he saw Japanese art for the first time; he was inspired by its simplicity and beauty. He then went back home to his garden at Giverny (which he had converted into his own personal studio) and created this masterpiece using watercolors on paperboard instead of canvas so that he could work outdoors without having to worry about weather conditions ruining his work!

“The Magic Circle of Here” by Wassily Kandinsky

If you want to get lost in a thousand-year-old painting, look no further than Wassily Kandinsky’s “The Magic Circle of Here,” from 1912. This piece is one of his most famous paintings and also an example of abstract art: it depicts a circle with a blue background and white lines radiating outward from its center. The composition represents the artist’s attempt at capturing the moment when he first saw color during his childhood (he had been born blind).

Kandinsky’s work was part of a larger movement called Blaue Reiter, which sought to unite artists who were interested in experimenting with new forms of expression–and who wanted nothing more than for their creations to evoke emotion through color alone. They felt that traditional representational techniques were too limiting; instead, they wanted viewers’ minds free from associations with objects or figures so they could focus solely on feelings evoked by paintings’ shapes and hues without distraction

These are some amazing paintings from European art history

The art of painting has been around for thousands of years. In fact, some of the most famous paintings in history were created during the European Renaissance period (1300s-1600s). These works of art depict scenes from daily life and religious stories that were popular at that time.

  • Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper displays Christ with his 12 disciples during their last meal together before his arrest and execution by Roman soldiers. It was painted on a wall at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy back in 1498; this work helped establish Leonardo as one of Italy’s greatest painters ever because it showed such realistic detail despite being done on an unconventional surface such as plaster rather than canvas or wood paneling.*


So, there you have it, the 10 most beautiful paintings of European art history. The list includes a wide range of styles and subjects, but all have one thing in common: they’re incredibly well-executed works of art that will leave you breathless.