October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

The Iconic Landmarks Of Africa That Have Made An Unforgettable Impression On Our History


Over the centuries, Africa has seen her fair share of dramatic events. From wars to natural disasters and everything in between, it’s been an incredible ride. The iconic landmarks that have made an unforgettable impression on our history have played a big part in shaping our identity as a continent. Whether you’re traveling to Africa or simply planning on getting lost in your history books today, these seven landmarks are definitely worth checking out!

The Iconic Landmarks Of Africa That Have Made An Unforgettable Impression On Our History

Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are the largest waterfall in the world, and they’re located on the Zambezi River. The falls are situated on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe and named after Queen Victoria. They were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1989.

The falls are made up of three distinct sections: Leaping Waterfalls, Devil’s Cataract (more commonly known as Main Falls) and Rainbow Falls at the southern end of Lake Kariba.

The Great Blue Nile Falls

The Great Blue Nile Falls are located in the country of Sudan, and named after the river Nile. They are on the border between Ethiopia and Sudan, making them one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. These majestic waterfalls are over 100 meters high and have been attracting visitors from all over Africa for centuries.

Because of their location between two very different countries, these falls have had a history full of conflict and war. In fact, they were first discovered by Europeans when they came here during colonial times! But despite this troubled past (and present), there’s no denying that The Great Blue Nile Falls are truly beautiful natural wonders worth seeing if you ever find yourself in this part of Africa!

Table Mountain Cape Town

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. It’s the most iconic landmark in Cape Town and has been named one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World by CNN Travel. Table Mountain is also a World Heritage Site, which means it’s been recognized as having outstanding universal value by UNESCO.

It’s not only known for its natural beauty but also as a popular tourist attraction because there are many things to do there such as hiking up to its summit or going on an aerial cableway ride over Table Bay where you can see Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years during apartheid rule (1948-1994).

The flora found at this site includes several endemic species such as Protea cynaroides subsp corymbosa (Table Mountain Sugarbush), Erica carnea var pubescens (Blue Erica) and Euphorbia robusta subsp robusta (Brittle Spurge). Fauna include mammals like African Dwarf Mongoose Mungos parvidens , Bat Eared Fox Otocyon megalotis , Golden Mole Chrysochloris asiatica , Yellow Mongoose Galerella flavescens , Striped Polecat Ictonyx striatus

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in northern Tanzania, on the border with Kenya and Uganda. It’s actually a dormant volcano that has three main peaks: Shira (5,973 m), Mawenzi (5,149 m) and Kibo (5,895 m).

The highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro is Uhuru Peak at 5,895 meters above sea level–the tallest free-standing mountain in the world!

Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya is Africa’s second highest mountain, at 5,199 meters (16,895 feet). It is located in the country of Kenya and forms part of the border between Mount Kenya National Park and Natural Forest Reserve.

Mount Kenya is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world, due to its unique landscape and wildlife. In addition to being an important source of water for local communities and wildlife alike, Mount Kenya has also been designated as an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997 for its cultural significance to local communities.[1]

The Djenne-Djenno Great Mosque, Mali

The Djenne-Djenno Great Mosque is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Djenne, Mali. It is the largest mud brick building in the world, and it was built by the ruler of Djenne in 1907.

The mosque was first built around 1200 as an open space where people could pray or meditate on their religion. Over time it grew into its current form with multiple rooms and areas for worshipers to gather before entering their individual sections of the building.

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater is a caldera, a volcanic crater that has collapsed. It is the largest unbroken caldera in the world, with an area of 790 square miles (2,040 km2). The crater was formed by an eruption that occurred about 600,000 years ago.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area houses black rhinos and lions as well as other animals like elephants, cheetahs and wildebeest. It’s also home to many indigenous tribes who live inside its borders. In 1979 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its unique ecosystem–it’s one of only two places on Earth where humans have not had any impact on wildlife populations or habitats

Giza Pyramid Complex, Egypt

The Giza Pyramid Complex is located on the west bank of the Nile River, approximately 9 miles southwest of Cairo. The three pyramids at Giza are some of the most iconic structures on Earth and have stood for more than 4,500 years. The Great Sphinx is also part of this complex and was built during the time when King Khufu ruled Egypt (crowned around 2558 B.C.).

The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu and stands at 481 feet high with a base area that measures roughly 756 by 755 feet wide. It’s estimated to weigh 6 million tons–more than all other pyramids combined!

There are many landmarks in Africa that have made an unforgettable impression on our history.

There are many landmarks in Africa that have made an unforgettable impression on our history. These landmarks are significant because they played an important role in shaping the course of events, as well as influencing the lives of people who live in the area.

The following is a list of some of these landmarks:

  • The Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt–this structure was built around 2560 B.C., making it one of mankind’s oldest surviving monuments. It was constructed by Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) as part of his mortuary complex on an artificial mound called “the great heap.” The pyramid stands 146 meters high and each side measures 230 meters long; its base covers 13 acres!


The great landmarks of Africa are the things that make it special. They are the places that have shaped our history and made us who we are today. These landmarks have stood the test of time and will continue to be a source of pride for generations to come.