October 22, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

The Ultimate Guide to the Continent’s Must-See Landmarks


Asia is a continent with some of the most beautiful and historic landmarks in the world. From China’s Great Wall to Australia’s Uluru, there are so many amazing places to visit in Asia. The following guide will help you plan your trip by providing information on some of the continent’s must-see landmarks!

The Ultimate Guide to the Continent’s Must-See Landmarks

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made out of stone, brick, tamped earth and wood. It was constructed by different dynasties as they ruled over China–the first emperor Qin Shi Huang built it in 220 BC to protect against nomadic tribes from the north; Emperor Wu further extended it during his reign (138-87 BC); while Kublai Khan added more sections during his reign (1215-1294).

The wall stretches across 13 provinces and municipalities: Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin Municipality, Beijing City Municipality, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region or Nei Monggol Zizhiqu/Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region/Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region/Gansu Province/Shanxi Province/Shandong Province/Heilongjiang Province/#13th province = Jilin Province

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built by Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It was built over the course of 20 years and completed in 1648 AD. The structure is considered to be one of the most famous buildings in the world, and it has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1983.

The building itself is an architectural masterpiece made up of white marble that glows under bright sunlight or moonlight–a contrast with its surrounding landscape which includes lush green grasses and towering palm trees creating an oasis-like feeling within this massive structure.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world, and it’s located in Cambodia. The temple complex was built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II as his state temple and capital city.

The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination for its architecture, artistry and location within dense forest.

The Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. It’s believed to have been built over a 10-to-20 year period, starting around 2560 BCE. The pyramid itself is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and was considered an architectural marvel for its time.

The Great Pyramid stands at 481 feet (146 meters) tall, making it one of the tallest structures on Earth when it was built 4500 years ago! If you want to visit this monument, there are several ways that you can get there: by camel ride or horseback ride; by bicycle taxi; by boat trip along Nile river; or by helicopter flight over pyramids with camera opportunities at sunrise/sunset times only (not available during winter months).

The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It was discovered in 1974 by farmers digging a well and is believed to have been created to protect him in his afterlife.

The figures vary in height from as small as 9 cm (3.5 inches) up to 5 meters tall (16 feet). There are more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 horses with chariots, 150 cavalry horses and 150 bronze weapons found buried underground near Xi’an City in Shaanxi Province since 1974 when they were first unearthed by farmers digging a well for water during an exceptionally dry summer season that year when rainfall levels were low enough not only for water holes but also for people looking for alternative sources such as wells!

Borobudur Temple Compounds, Indonesia

Borobudur Temple Compounds, Indonesia

Located in Central Java, Borobudur is a Buddhist temple complex that was built during the 9th century under the patronage of the Sailendra dynasty. It’s considered one of Indonesia’s most important archaeological sites and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Borobudur consists of six square platforms topped by three circular terraces encircling a large stupa at its core. The compound contains 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues (one for each day), which can be seen both inside and outside of temples at various levels within this massive structure. Visitors can climb up through each level on stairs carved into rock faces; once they reach the topmost terrace with views over lush green forested hillsides below them–and if it isn’t too cloudy–they’ll see Mount Merapi rising majestically in front!

Moai Statues, Easter Island, Chile

Moai Statues, Easter Island, Chile. These impressive stone figures are the most famous landmarks in Chile and one of the most recognizable symbols of Polynesia. Located on the eastern coast of Easter Island (Rapa Nui), these massive human figures can be up to 10 meters tall and weigh up to 75 tons! They were carved by members of an ancient civilization called Rapa Nui people between 1250-1500 CE out of volcanic rock quarried from Mount Terevaka.

The Forbidden City, Beijing, China

If you’re looking for a place that represents the majesty and grandeur of China, look no further than the Forbidden City. Located in Beijing, this palace complex was home to emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government for almost 500 years. It’s also one of the largest palaces in world history!

The palace was built from 1406 to 1420 during China’s Ming Dynasty by Emperor Yongle (also known as Zhu Di). The name “Forbidden City” comes from its role as a royal residence that was off limits to commoners; even today it remains mostly closed off except for special events like weddings or holidays like Chinese New Year.

Ayers Rock, Australia (Uluru)

Uluru is the largest monolith in the world and a sacred site for the indigenous Anangu people. It’s also a great place for hiking, swimming and climbing–or just taking photos of this gigantic rock formation. The Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is one of Australia’s most popular national parks, so if you want to visit Uluru during peak season (December through February), it’s best to book well in advance at least six months before your travel date.

The name “Ayers Rock” comes from explorer Ernest Giles who named it after Sir Henry Ayers, then premier of South Australia; however, most local residents call it either Uluru or Kata Tjuta (meaning “many heads”). This massive sandstone formation stands 348 meters high with an area covering more than 8 kilometers squared at its base–and that doesn’t include all of its surrounding land!

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Colosseum is a large amphitheater in Rome, Italy. It was built in the first century AD and held up to 50,000 people for gladiatorial combat and other spectacles. The Colosseum has been used as a symbol of power and decadence since its construction, with some historians claiming that it represents one of the most important historical sites in Europe.

The history of this iconic landmark dates back to 70 BC when it was commissioned by Emperor Vespasian as part of his plan for Roman domination over Italy (a region known for its rich culture). Later on, Emperor Titus ordered additional construction work on the building after defeating Jerusalem during his military campaign against Jews during AD 70-71 CE; this included adding an outer wall around its perimeter so that spectators could watch battles safely from above ground level rather than being too close to danger inside its walls which could lead them getting hurt if someone fell down while fighting or died accidentally due to wounds sustained from weapons being used during combat events held here regularly throughout each year until finally closing down permanently sometime around 404 CE following multiple earthquakes happening simultaneously throughout Italy causing widespread damage across different regions including Naples where many buildings were destroyed completely along with severe cracks appearing within structures such as churches located nearby – including San Giovanni Battista church located right next door!”

Asia has some incredible landmarks you can visit

Asia is home to some of the world’s most iconic landmarks. Here are five must-see attractions in Asia:

  • The Great Wall of China, located in Beijing, was built over 2,000 years ago and stretches over 20,000 kilometers (12,500 miles). It’s the most famous landmark in Asia and one of the top sights on any traveler’s bucket list.
  • The Taj Mahal mausoleum complex in Agra, India is often called “the jewel of Muslim art in India” and attracts millions each year with its beautiful architecture and history as a burial site for emperor Shah Jahan’s wife Mumtaz Mahal (or Mumtaz Begum).
  • Angkor Wat Temple Complex in Siem Reap has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992 due to its significance during medieval times when it was used by Buddhist monks as well as Hindu priests from nearby villages


If you’re looking for something new and exciting to do on your next vacation, consider visiting some of the world’s most famous landmarks. They are not only educational but also fun! The pyramids in Egypt, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Borobudur Temple Compounds in Indonesia–all these places have so much history behind them that it would be amazing if everyone could experience them at least once in their lives.