October 19, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

This Exhibits Shows the Diversity and Beauty of African Artwork


The African Art Museum of Oklahoma City is the only institution of its kind in the state with a collection that includes art from all over Africa, as well as ancient tools and artifacts.

This Exhibits Shows the Diversity and Beauty of African Artwork

The African Art Museum of Oklahoma City is the only institution of its kind in the state with a collection that includes art from all over Africa

The African Art Museum of Oklahoma City is the only institution of its kind in the state with a collection that includes art from all over Africa, as well as ancient tools and artifacts. The museum’s rotating schedule of classes for children and adults who want to learn more about the continent’s artistic traditions and techniques includes everything from pottery making classes to an introductory course on Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Whether you’re an artist looking for inspiration, or just curious about how other cultures express themselves through art forms like painting or sculpture, this exhibit is worth checking out!

The museum features artisans from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.

The museum features artisans from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. It’s the only institution of its kind in the state with a collection that includes art from all over Africa.

The museum is open daily from 10am-5pm except Mondays when it’s closed for maintenance. Admission is free but donations are encouraged to help support their efforts.

The museum also has a rotating schedule of classes for children and adults who want to learn more about the continent’s artistic traditions and techniques.

The museum also has a rotating schedule of classes for children and adults who want to learn more about the continent’s artistic traditions and techniques.

The classes are open to all skill levels, so even if you’ve never held a paintbrush before, you can still take part in this educational experience. Classes range from beginner-friendly workshops on weaving baskets or embroidery stitching upholstery fabric to more advanced jewelry making lessons that teach how to make beaded necklaces with African designs etched into them (or “tattooed” onto your skin). Some classes cost money while others are free; check out their website for more information about specific sessions offered throughout each month!

This museum shows how beautiful and diverse African art is

The museum showcases the diverse styles of African art through its rotating collection. The museum has pieces from every corner of Africa, including masks, jewelry, and paintings that are hundreds of years old.

Visitors can learn more about these traditions by taking classes in traditional techniques like batik printing or weaving with palm leaves.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at the African Art Museum of Oklahoma City. It’s a great way to experience some of the beauty and diversity of African art, and we encourage everyone in Oklahoma City to visit!