October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Time Travel in a Single Day: Iconic Landmarks of Australia


After years of research and planning, we have discovered a way to travel through time and space. We can take you on an adventure through all of Australia‘s most iconic landmarks, past and present.

Time Travel in a Single Day: Iconic Landmarks of Australia

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage Site and the world’s largest coral reef system. It’s made up of 2,900 individual reefs, which together span 1,400 miles (2,300 kilometers). The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from space–it’s so big that it looks like an enormous green blob when viewed from above!

The Twelve Apostles

The Twelve Apostles are a collection of limestone stacks off the shore of the Port Campbell National Park in Victoria, Australia. They were formed by erosion from wind and rain over thousands of years. The Twelve Apostles are a popular tourist attraction in Australia with hundreds of people visiting them daily during summer months (December-February).

Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is a steel through arch bridge across Sydney Harbour that carries rail, vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic between the Sydney central business district (CBD) and the North Shore. The dramatic view of the bridge, the harbour, and the nearby Sydney Opera House are iconic images of Australia.

The bridge was designed by English engineer John Bradfield and built by Dorman Long & Co Ltd of Middlesbrough in England under the direction of Scottish civil engineer David Bremner. It was opened on 19 March 1932 by His Majesty King George V who travelled over it in an open carriage with his wife Queen Mary; about 100000 people attended this event.[1]

The opening ceremony featured two aerial displays: one involving eight planes from RAAF No 1 Squadron flying overhead in formation; another displaying 24 aircraft from all three branches of service.[2]

Uluru (Ayers Rock)

Uluru is the largest monolith in the world, and a sacred site for Aboriginal people. The Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is located in Australia’s Northern Territory, where it is also known as Ayers Rock.

The rock can be seen from miles away as you approach it along Route 66 (the road that runs through Central Australia). You’ll see it towering over everything else–it’s hard not to feel small when standing next to something so grandiose!

Macquarie Island Penguin Colony

Macquarie Island is a remote island in the sub-Antarctic, home to a penguin colony and many other wildlife. The island was once home to Australia’s first penal colony, but now it’s more popular as a tourist destination for people who want to see penguins (and other wildlife). It’s also listed as a World Heritage Site because of its natural value–it has been protected since 1997 because of its importance to science, education and culture.

Travel Australia through time.

Australia is a great place to travel. There are many iconic landmarks throughout the country, and you can see them all in one day using our time travel machine.

Once you’ve arrived at your destination, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. You don’t want to miss anything! Here are some tips for making sure that doesn’t happen:

  • Be aware of where you’re going so that if someone asks where something is, you can point it out without getting confused or lost.
  • Don’t forget about traffic lights when crossing streets (and make sure they’re green).

If these sound like things that would happen often enough for them not only distracting but possibly dangerous as well…well…that’s why we wrote this article! We hope these suggestions help keep things running smoothly while visiting Australia’s most popular sites throughout history.”


Travel Australia through time.