October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Top 10 Most Beautiful Pieces of Art Around Asia


Art is a great way to take in the culture of a place. It can also be inspirational, especially if it’s just so beautiful that it makes you stop and stare. These are some of my favorites around Asia:

Top 10 Most Beautiful Pieces of Art Around Asia

The Taj Mahal in India

The Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Built between 1631 and 1648, it’s considered one of the most beautiful buildings ever constructed.

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that sits on a raised platform, surrounded by four minarets and an intricate garden filled with fountains and pools. The building is made from white marble; its exterior surfaces have been carefully inlaid with semiprecious stones like jasper, cornelian and lapis lazuli–which gives it its distinct blue hue.

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia. It was built during the Khmer Empire and is one of the largest religious monuments in the world. It is also a World Heritage Site, as well as a popular tourist destination.

Angkor Wat has been listed as one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites since 1992, along with its surrounding cultural landscape: Angkor Archaeological Park (AP). The site was added to AP in 1981, becoming an early member of what would eventually become known as “heritage sites”; today there are over 1,000 such properties worldwide recognized for their exceptional cultural value by this organization.[1]

Kyoto’s Kinkaku-ji temple

The Kinkaku-ji (the Golden Pavilion) is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. The structure was originally built as a retirement villa for the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. The temple is famous for its Golden Pavilion, which is covered in gold leaf and considered one of Japan’s three most beautiful buildings along with Nikko’s Toshogu Shrine and Himeji Castle.

The name “Kinkaku” comes from kinkaku (golden pavilion) and ki meaning world or universe; kinkai can also mean “golden pond”.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in Asia. It was built to protect China from invasion, and it was the longest man-made structure until the 19th century.

The Great Wall stretches across deserts, mountains, grasslands and forests over an area that covers more than 6,000 kilometers (3,700 miles). There are many sections of this amazing structure that can be visited today by travelers on their journeys around Asia!

The Sistine Chapel in Italy

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, within the Vatican City. It is famous for its frescos by Michelangelo, painted on the ceiling and walls of the chapel.

The Creation of Adam, one of Michelangelo’s most famous works, can be seen on one side wall as well as on parts of two pendentives at either end of the ceiling vault (one being God creating Eve). On another wall there is The Separation of Light from Darkness; while on another are scenes from Genesis: The Drunkenness Of Noah; The Sacrifice Of Isaac; and Jacob Wrestling With The Angel

The Forbidden City of Beijing, China

The Forbidden City of Beijing, China

The Forbidden City is one of the most visited landmarks in Beijing. It was built as a private residence for the Emperor and his family during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). The complex was opened to visitors in 1908 and designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

The Forbidden City consists of 980 buildings that cover 72 hectares (180 acres). It’s surrounded by walls with towers at each corner, which are connected by halls leading into courtyards containing pavilions and gardens. Inside this massive structure lies an array of museums showcasing artifacts from ancient China including jade carvings, ceramics and furniture from previous dynasties like the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE).

Chichu Art Museum in Arizona, US

The Chichu Art Museum in Arizona, US is a modern art museum built by renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando. The museum was designed to be an outdoor structure that blends into its surrounding desert landscape while still being able to house some of the world’s most precious art pieces.

The building itself is not only beautiful but also very functional–it has been designed to withstand earthquakes and extreme temperatures (from below freezing to above 100 degrees Fahrenheit). In addition, it uses natural ventilation instead of air conditioning systems so as not to interfere with visitors’ experience of viewing their artwork.

Opened in 2003, this unique museum holds over 600 different pieces from various artists including Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock among others; however if you can’t make it there yourself then simply check out these photos!

Borobudur Temple in Indonesia

Borobudur is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist monument located in Central Java, Indonesia. It is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, and one of Indonesia’s most popular tourist destinations. The monument consists of six stacked platforms topped by five circular platforms with multiple stupas. The first three levels feature large statues of Buddha in various poses; the uppermost platform contains relief panels telling stories from Buddhist texts such as Jataka tales, as well as an image of Gautama Buddha seated on a lion throne flanked by Brahmas; all three are protected under UNESCO World Heritage Site status since 1991.

Borobudur was built during the Sailendra dynasty around AD 800-850 during its golden age when it ruled over much land around central Java.[2] It was abandoned after centuries of neglect following its catastrophic collapse sometime between 1000 and 1100 CE due to an earthquake or volcanic eruption.[3]

Grand Palace and Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok, Thailand

The Grand Palace and Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok, Thailand

The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings in Bangkok, Thailand. The temple of the Emerald Buddha is located within this complex. It was built in 1782 by Rama I (also known as King Phutthayotfa Chulalok) and houses what many believe to be Thailand’s most sacred relic: a statue carved from green jade that represents Buddha himself.

Travel around Asia to see such beautiful pieces of art.

Art is a vital part of our lives, and traveling is one of the best ways to experience and appreciate it. If you’re planning a trip around Asia, make sure to check out these 10 pieces of art!

  • The Great Wall of China – Beijing, China
  • Angkor Wat – Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Bagan Temples – Myanmar (formerly Burma)


So, if you’re looking for something to do this summer and want to see some amazing art while traveling around Asia, then we have just the thing. The top 10 most beautiful pieces of art around Asia will surely take your breath away!