October 22, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Top 10 Tips For Staying On A Budget While Traveling To Any International Festival or Event


Travelling can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be if you’re prepared and know some tricks of the trade. Here are ten tips for how to save money while abroad:

Top 10 Tips For Staying On A Budget While Traveling To Any International Festival or Event

Research the local currency of your destination.

If you’re visiting a foreign country, it’s important to know the local currency. Before you travel, look up the exchange rate between your home currency and that of your destination. This will help ensure that when you get there, you won’t be surprised by an unfavorable conversion rate or lack of cash on hand.

As a rule of thumb: if you have a credit card with no foreign transaction fees (like this one), use it instead of withdrawing cash from an ATM in another country where there may be additional fees attached to using their ATMs or currency exchange services–even if those fees are small amounts!

Use a cash back credit card to get a small percentage back when you buy things abroad.

One of the best ways to pay for things abroad is with a cash back credit card. These cards allow you to get cash back on all of your purchases, which can be used for anything from paying off your balance or putting it in the bank. While this won’t work if the merchant doesn’t accept American Express (for example), it’s still a good idea to use one when possible.

Another way is by using a credit card that has no foreign transaction fees or annual fees–and again, American Express isn’t accepted everywhere so check beforehand! If possible, try finding one that will work in the country where you’re traveling so there won’t be any issues down the line when paying for things on vacation…or just bring along cash as well!

Keep track of every penny you spend during your trip, no matter how insignificant it is.

  • Keep track of every penny you spend during your trip, no matter how insignificant it is.
  • Don’t forget to include the cost of things like parking, tolls and public transportation.
  • Don’t forget to include food, drinks and souvenirs in your budget.
  • Remember to account for travel expenses like airfare, rental car or taxi fares (if applicable), and train tickets if traveling by rail.

If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period of time, consider lowering your phone plan or getting rid of it entirely and using Wi-Fi hotspots instead.

If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period of time, consider lowering your phone plan or getting rid of it entirely and using Wi-Fi hotspots instead.

If you have a data plan with your carrier, lowering the cost is easy–just call them up and ask them to lower it! It’s as simple as that! If this sounds like something that would work well for you, then by all means go ahead and make that call! The only downside is that most carriers will charge an early termination fee if they feel like they’ve been “abandoned” by their customers (sometimes these fees can be pretty hefty), so keep this in mind before making any changes.

If reducing the cost isn’t enough incentive though…what about getting rid of your phone altogether? That seems drastic but there are benefits associated with doing this too: less clutter; fewer distractions when trying not worry about missing calls/texts/social media notifications throughout the day; increased productivity due to less distractions; etcetera….

If you’re not sure about something, ask around! Chances are there will be someone else who has been in the same situation before and can tell you how much something costs (or how much money they lost because they didn’t know how much things cost!).

When you’re traveling, especially to a festival or event that’s not in your own country, it can be hard to know how much things are going to cost. This is especially true if you don’t have any local currency on hand and need to use cash at every turn. If this sounds like something that might happen to you (and let’s face it–it probably will), here are some tips for staying on budget while traveling abroad:

  • Ask around! Chances are there will be someone else who has been in the same situation before and can tell you how much something costs (or how much money they lost because they didn’t know how much things cost!).
  • Ask them what they would do differently next time; maybe they learned from their mistakes and won’t make them again! Maybe there was something else available nearby with better prices than what was offered at the spot where we found ourselves standing right now…

If you’re going on vacation by yourself and don’t have anyone to split meals with, ask if eating lunch or dinner at the same place more than once will save you any money at all.

If you’re going on vacation by yourself and don’t have anyone to split meals with, ask if eating lunch or dinner at the same place more than once will save you any money at all. Some restaurants offer loyalty programs that give you points for every dollar spent, which can be exchanged for discounts on future visits. Others may have a rewards program where they give out coupons after certain milestones are reached (like five visits in one year).

Ask if there are any student discounts available at the restaurant. Many businesses offer student discounts as an incentive to encourage young people to visit their establishment instead of choosing another option nearby. If this is not possible, see if there’s another way that they might help lower costs: maybe they’ll let you use their WiFi without paying extra? Or maybe they’ll give away free drinks during happy hour? You never know!

Avoid paying full price for food and drink when attending festivals or events that require camping; stock up on water, granola bars, fruits and vegetables beforehand so that you can keep yourself hydrated while saving money on food.

Avoid paying full price for food and drink when attending festivals or events that require camping; stock up on water, granola bars, fruits and vegetables beforehand so that you can keep yourself hydrated while saving money on food.

  • Buy food in bulk from your local grocery store.
  • Bring your own water bottle so that you can refill it at the nearest fountain or water station (if there is one).
  • If possible, buy food from a local vendor instead of an expensive festival booth where prices are usually higher than at other locations around town.

When traveling internationally it’s important to remember that airlines sometimes have weight restrictions on luggage so make sure that you’re packing light if possible!

When traveling internationally, it’s important to remember that airlines often have weight restrictions on luggage. If you’re going to a festival or event in another country, make sure that you’re packing light if possible! If not, buy a small bag and check it in–you can always rent clothes from local stores when you get there. Make sure that you know the airline’s weight restrictions before you pack (and don’t forget about any other baggage fees).


We hope that these tips have helped you to save money while traveling abroad!