October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

What I’ve Learned from Living in Asia for 7 Years


I’ve been living in Asia for seven years now, and it’s been an amazing experience. I’ve learned so much about myself and the world around me that I wouldn’t trade for anything. The food is incredible, people are friendly, life is cheap—there are so many reasons to come here! But don’t just take my word for it: here’s what has happened to me since becoming an expat in Asia…

What I’ve Learned from Living in Asia for 7 Years

Bike everywhere

Bike everywhere. It’s the most common form of transportation in Southeast Asia, and it’s also cheap, easy to maintain and fun! You can pick up a used bike for only $20 or so (and even less if you’re buying from someone on the street). In addition to being convenient for getting around town, riding a bicycle is healthier than driving a car because it gets your heart rate up and gives you more exercise.

Bikes are everywhere: parked on sidewalks or locked at intersections; chained together in front of shops; leaning against trees by riverside paths; even hanging above doorways as decoration. There are even whole cities where cars aren’t allowed at all — like Hoi An in Vietnam — so bikes are really all there is!

Everyone speaks English and they’re proud of it

As a native English speaker, you’ll find that many people in Asia speak the language. The reason for this is simple: the English language is a global language and it’s used in business around the world. It’s also one of the most widely spoken second languages in existence; according to some estimates, more people speak English as their first or second language than any other language on Earth (a statistic that includes Chinese).

As such, learning how to speak it can be very useful if you want an edge over your competitors at work or want more opportunities when traveling abroad–and it can help open doors even if all you do is use it as a tool for communicating with locals who don’t speak your native tongue!

The food is incredible and dirt cheap

The food is incredible and dirt cheap.

You can eat out for less than $1 a meal, or you can eat street food for less than $0.50 a meal! Or if you’re feeling adventurous, try some local delicacies at a restaurant that costs only $2 per person (or even less).

Nightlife will never be the same again

When you move to Asia, the nightlife is going to be very different from what you’re used to. Clubs here stay open until 6am or later–and it’s not uncommon for them to close at 10pm. The clubs aren’t just for partying either; they’re also social spaces where people go to meet other people from all over the world. You’ll find yourself making friends with people who have come from places like Germany, France and even Africa!

In addition to this social aspect of clubbing in Asia (and there are many) another thing I love about it is how much fun it is when everyone dances together as one big group rather than individual couples doing their own thing on the dance floor like back home in Canada where couples tend to dance alone most times.”

Be prepared to get sick a lot, but you’ll love it so much that it won’t matter.

Be prepared to get sick a lot, but you’ll love it so much that it won’t matter.

If you have the opportunity to travel abroad for an extended period of time–and especially if this is your first time living abroad–there are some things to keep in mind before your departure. The most important thing is to make sure that you have adequate travel insurance and vaccinations; these two things can save yourself from serious health problems later on down the line if something unexpected happens while traveling abroad.

As much as possible, try eating healthy foods (fruits and vegetables) while also keeping hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day; this helps prevent any unnecessary dehydration while also helping reduce stress levels which could lead towards catching colds/fevers more easily during periods where there’s increased exposure due to crowds of people (or even just being outside without proper protection against UV rays). Another suggestion would be taking vitamins regularly so as not only boost immunity but also keep energy levels up throughout long days spent exploring new places!

Travel is safer than you think.

Travel is safer than you think.

I know, I know: it’s hard to believe that there are places in the world where people aren’t trying to rip you off or steal your stuff. But trust me–Asia is one of those places. You’ll be safer here than at home, especially if your home country is America or Europe (I’m looking at you).

Why? Because people here have so little and they want so much more than we do! They don’t have time for petty crime because they’re busy saving up enough money for food for their family or getting an education so that their children won’t have to live in poverty like them when they grow up. Also, police are more trustworthy here because most countries have fewer guns available than back home (although this isn’t always true). And even if someone does try something shady with me when traveling abroad…well…that just means my story will be even better when I get back home!

Asia is amazing and life-changing!

I can’t recommend Asia enough. It’s an amazing and life-changing place, and I’m so glad that I decided to live here for a few years.

I learned so much about myself, the world around me and how lucky we are as human beings who get to live in such a beautiful place on this earth.


I can’t even begin to describe how much I have learned from living in Asia for seven years. It has been an incredible experience and one that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a change of pace or just wants something new in life. I have seen so many amazing places, eaten amazing food, ridden bikes everywhere (even at night!), and met people from all over the world who share similar interests with me – all because of this one decision! If you’ve ever considered moving abroad then now is definitely the time because there are so many opportunities available right now!