October 20, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

10 Ancient Landmarks of Europe


There are many different landmarks in Europe, but these ten have stood the test of time. They were built thousands of years ago and still exist today.

10 Ancient Landmarks of Europe

Colosseum, Rome

The Colosseum, or the Flavian Amphitheater, is an amphitheater in Rome. Built in 70 AD, it was originally used for gladiator fights and other public spectacles such as animal hunts and executions. Today it is one of Italy’s most popular tourist attractions and has become a symbol of ancient Rome itself.

Acropolis, Athens

  • The Acropolis is an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens.
  • It dates back to the Neolithic era and was used as a fortress, palace, temple and acropolis by the Athenians.

Alhambra, Granada, Spain

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Spain. The Alhambra was built by the Moorish rulers of the Emirate of Granada, who ruled most of southern Spain from 756 to 1492. The Alhambra includes gardens, fountains and palaces within its walls; it also holds one of the world’s most important libraries with over 1 million books.

The Alhambra was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984 because it is “an outstanding example representing significant stages in human history”.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris

Built in the 12th century, this cathedral is the largest in the world with over 6,000 statues. It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and located on Ile de la Cité in Paris, France.

Palace of Versailles, France

The Palace of Versailles is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France region of France. The palace has been a residence of French monarchs since 1682, when Louis XIV moved from Paris. In 1710, during the War of the Spanish Succession, Louis XIV started building an additional wing with his own bedroom and private apartments. After he died in 1715, his grandson Louis XV continued work on it during his reign; he also added two new wings to connect them to the main building and enlarged other parts of it as well.

In 1722, after spending years away from France because he was afraid that someone would try to kill him (because there were rumors that someone would), King Louis XV decided to return home and live there permanently–and this was when he really started renovating parts inside so they’d look like what we see today: ornate ceilings painted blue with gold trimming around them; paintings hanging on walls; marble floors throughout most rooms…you get the idea!

Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow

The Kremlin and Red Square are two of the most important landmarks in all of Europe. Located in the center of Moscow, they were built over a thousand years ago as fortresses. Today they are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and serve as both tourist attractions and government buildings.

The Kremlin is an enormous fortress that has been used by rulers since it was first constructed at least 800 years ago (the exact date is unknown). It contains many buildings including palaces for royalty or other important people; cathedrals where religious ceremonies take place; offices for government officials; storage rooms for supplies such as food or weapons; living quarters for soldiers who guard the Kremlin walls during winter months when it’s too cold outside to live there safely without shelter from freezing temperatures

Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, Barcelona

The Sagrada Familia is a Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by architect Antoni Gaud? and its construction began in 1882. The church is still under construction today, with only about 10{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of the building complete according to the official website. The park surrounding the church contains many sculptures by Gaud?, including one called “The Kiss” that’s become an icon of Barcelona itself.

The park also contains some buildings designed by Gaudi himself: Casa Batllo (House Batll), Casa Mila (House Mil), Casa Vicens (Vicens House) and Torre Bellesguard among others; all of which can be visited when you visit Park Guell!

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, 2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury. Stonehenge consists of a circular setting of large standing stones set within earthworks. It is at its core one of the most famous sites in Britain and has been an important religious site for thousands of years; it has also been interpreted as having been an astronomical calculator for predicting moon phases and eclipses.

Stonehenge was constructed as a series of concentric circles between 3100 BC and 2200 BC (the date varies depending on source). The site was first used by Neolithic people who were responsible for constructing all but one stone circle (Outer Circle) today; they were followed by Bronze Age peoples around 2000 BC before being taken over by Iron Age tribes who built the remaining three concentric rings (Inner, Middle & Outer).

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It was built to protect China from invaders, and it stretches for over 5,500 km (3,418 miles). The wall was constructed in different sections by different dynasties: first by Qin Shi Huangdi (259 BC – 210 BC) during his reign as Emperor of China; then by General Meng Tian during Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE); followed by Emperor Wu Di during Sui Dynasty (589-618 CE); and finally restored again by General Qi Jiguang from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE).

The purpose behind building such an enormous structure was to keep out invaders from the north who were trying to attack China through its northern borders at that time. In fact, if you visit this landmark today you’ll see how effective it still is today!

As you travel Europe, try to visit one of these landmarks.

As you travel Europe, try to visit one of these landmarks.

These landmarks are some of the most important in European history and culture. They were built during different periods by different civilizations (some even before Europe was known as a continent), but all have played an important role in shaping our understanding of what it means to be European today.

The Mona Lisa, located in Paris’ Louvre Museum, is arguably Leonardo da Vinci’s best known work. It was painted between 1503 and 1506 and depicts an unknown woman with an enigmatic smile on her face; hence its nickname “La Gioconda” (or “The Happy Girl”). The painting has been stolen several times over its lifetime–most recently in 1911 when Pablo Picasso stole it from its home at the Louvre for two years before returning it without incident–but despite these thefts it remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in France today!


We hope that you are inspired to visit one of these landmarks and experience the wonders of Europe. The list is by no means exhaustive, but it does represent some of the most famous sites in Europe. If you want more ideas on where to go and what to see while traveling, check out this article on our blog: 10 Things Every European Should Do Before They Die