October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

A Journey Into African Culture


If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling to Africa, don’t let your imagination be held back by the images of safaris and big game. Yes, there is a thriving wildlife scene in Africa, but that’s not all there is to the continent’s culture. In fact, there are many diverse nations whose cultures have been shaped by very different factors than those found in other parts of the world. This article will help guide you through some of these differing strands as we explore African culture through its many different regions: from North Africa to South America and everything in between!

A Journey Into African Culture

Africa is a vast continent with many different cultures.

Africa is a vast continent with many different cultures. The land mass covers over 30 million square kilometres and is home to 54 countries, making it the second largest continent in the world. Africa is also home to over 1 billion people – second only to Asia (4 billion). This means you’ll find an incredible array of customs, traditions and languages when travelling through this diverse landscape!

Each African country has its own culture and traditions.

  • Each African country has its own culture and traditions.
  • Some of the most popular African countries for tourists include Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa.

The best way to travel Africa is with an open mind.

You should travel Africa with an open mind.

You will likely go into your trip with certain expectations, but you should leave those at home and be prepared to have them challenged. You’ll probably find that many of the things you thought were true aren’t, and you may even learn something new about yourself in the process. Don’t expect things to go smoothly–there are plenty of places where communication can be difficult or transportation won’t work as expected. Be ready for anything!

Traveling around Africa isn’t just about seeing new places; it’s also about interacting with locals and learning about their cultures firsthand through conversations, activities and food (which we’ll talk more about later). If you want this experience most effectively possible without speaking another language fluently or knowing much about African history beforehand then keep reading…

You don’t have to travel miles into the bush to experience African culture.

African culture is not just about animals and the bush. It’s also not just about music and dance, food, art and crafts–and even if it were, those things aren’t exclusive to Africa!

Many people think that African culture must be experienced by traveling miles into the bush where there are no roads or electricity; where you can hear lions roar at night; where your only access to running water is through a well in your backyard; where every day consists of hunting wild game with bows & arrows while wearing animal skins as clothing (or nothing at all).

But this isn’t true! You don’t have to travel all over Africa to experience its rich heritage: you can start right here at home in North America–or anywhere else in the world for that matter!

In cities, you can find vibrant folk art scenes.

In cities, you can find vibrant folk art scenes. African culture is celebrated through music and dance, but also through the visual arts.

African art is a great way to experience the culture of a country–and it doesn’t take much effort! In most cities in Africa, it’s easy to find beautiful pieces created by local artists at markets or shops.

The best part? African artists are known for their unique designs and bright colors that make them stand out from other types of artwork around the world.

There is more to African culture than safaris and big game!

If you think of African culture as being just about safaris and big game, then you’re missing out. African culture is a rich and varied mix of many different cultures that have evolved over thousands of years. It’s also very diverse–you can’t fit all the different types of music, dance, food and art into one neat little box!

In fact there are so many different kinds of African art forms that it would be impossible to list them all here but let me give an example: Zimbabwean Shona masks were traditionally used in ceremonies celebrating ancestors or spirits; they’re usually made from wood or terra cotta clay (a type of pottery). Nowadays there are some amazing modern versions made from sculpted plasticine which look really cool!


The best way to experience African culture is by traveling to different countries and experiencing their unique traditions. You don’t have to go far into the bush or even leave your city–there are many ways that you can learn about Africa without leaving home!