October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Five Culture Tips To Make You More Culturally Sensitive


Are you planning to travel abroad soon? Whether it’s for a vacation or a business trip, it’s important to be culturally sensitive. This means learning about the people and traditions of the country you’re visiting so that you don’t accidentally insult someone or misunderstand their culture. Here are five simple ways to make sure your next trip is all about fun—not mistakes!

Five Culture Tips To Make You More Culturally Sensitive

Remember that you belong to a culture, too.

The first step to understanding other cultures is to be aware of your own. As a member of your own culture, you have biases and prejudices–you may even be unaware that they exist. The next time someone asks if “it’s okay” or “that’s normal,” try asking yourself:

  • What do I think about this?
  • Why do I think this way? How did my upbringing influence my beliefs? Is there another way of looking at things that would help me understand the situation better or put myself in someone else’s shoes?

You can also ask others for their opinions; sometimes hearing from someone who doesn’t share our experiences (and therefore has no reason not to tell us what they really think) helps us see new perspectives we might not have considered before!

Don’t ever feel bad about asking questions.

The first thing to remember is that it’s okay to ask questions. It’s also okay to say you don’t understand something, and if someone seems offended by your lack of knowledge, they’re probably just being rude. If you feel like something isn’t making sense or could use more clarification (and trust me, we’ve all been there), then ask away!

If your friends are kind enough not only let you into their culture but also teach it as well, consider yourself lucky–but keep in mind that learning about another person’s culture will take time and effort on both sides of the table.

Don’t assume.

Don’t assume.

When you’re traveling, don’t assume that everyone is the same as you. They might have different beliefs and values than yours, or they may act in a way that’s completely different from what you’re used to seeing back home. For example, if someone asks for directions at a gas station in the United States and then drives away without saying thank you (which happens all too often), we might think they were rude or didn’t appreciate our help–but maybe they just don’t speak English very well! It’s important not to make assumptions about people based on their appearance or actions; by doing so, we can avoid causing unnecessary hurt feelings while also learning more about our fellow human beings around us

Don’t put words in people’s mouths.

When you’re communicating with people from other cultures, it’s easy to assume that you know what they’re thinking. But even if you have spent time with them and feel like you understand their language and customs, remember that there is a big difference between understanding someone’s culture and being able to speak for them. So don’t take things personally!

The best way to avoid putting words in people’s mouths is by asking questions–not just once but throughout the conversation. This helps clarify what they mean and shows respect for their opinions while still allowing room for disagreement or further explanation down the line (you never know what might come up).

Respect other cultures’ approaches to time and money.

Time and money are two things that can be difficult to understand in other cultures. You may find yourself sitting in a meeting with someone who is late, or waiting patiently while they take their time paying for something.

If you’re American, then you might expect receipts after every transaction–but this isn’t always the case in other countries. In fact, some cultures see receipts as an unnecessary waste of paper and prefer to trust each other when it comes to transactions between friends or acquaintances (or even strangers).

It’s also important not to expect change back from a purchase: many cultures feel that giving change is rude because it implies that the person doesn’t have enough money on them at all times (and also because it means more work for cashiers).

Be respectful and keep an open mind when traveling in another country.

When you travel to another country, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being somewhere new and different. You may want to try out all the local foods and customs that you see around you. But be careful not to become a cultural tourist or snob!

In addition, don’t be rude or disrespectful towards people who are different from you–and remember that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they should be treated poorly. In fact, sometimes being open-minded about other cultures will make it easier for them to accept your own way of doing things!


The most important thing to remember is that you belong to a culture, too. You may be visiting another country or trying something new at home, but this doesn’t mean that you have to abandon your own values and traditions. By being respectful and keeping an open mind when traveling abroad or trying new things in your own backyard, you can enjoy yourself while still respecting others’ cultures!