October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

Ten Simple Ways You Can Travel More Culturally Around The World


Traveling is one of the most enriching experiences you can have. But to really take advantage of what each culture has to offer, it’s important that you’re open-minded and willing to try new things. It also helps if you learn about what makes each place unique and different so that you can understand how they fit into this big world we all share together! That being said, here are ten simple ways you can travel more culturally around the world:

Ten Simple Ways You Can Travel More Culturally Around The World

1. Find a language school

  • Find a language school.

Language schools are one of the most popular ways to learn a new language, and they can be found all over the world. The best part? They’re free or paid for in many cases! You can find some in your own country and abroad, whether you want to take classes online or in person.

  • Take advantage of cultural exchange programs!

Many universities offer scholarships for students who want to study abroad as part of their degree program but don’t have enough funds–check out [this list](https://www2a4f4e6d1a2b8bf69c9b2db3b3c38f6dcd5e5c543dc0699aa7ffd18e1a0c9db9) from StudyPortals if you want help finding one near you (or if there isn’t one available).

2. Get a mentor

  • Get a mentor

A mentor can help you learn about the culture, understand the local language, and even navigate unfamiliar customs. Mentors can also be invaluable when it comes to understanding history and geography of a place. You might think that this sounds like something out of Harry Potter but it’s actually very real! There are many organizations around the world that provide volunteer opportunities for travelers who want to contribute their time and energy towards making positive changes in other countries but don’t know where to start or how exactly they would go about doing so.

3. Volunteer in your own country

Volunteering is a great way to experience new cultures, meet people from all over the world and help out your community.

  • Talk to your local church or community center about volunteer opportunities. Many organizations are always looking for volunteers, so they can fill in gaps when they need them most.
  • Find out if there are any volunteer opportunities in your area by searching online or asking around at work or school (or even just on social media). You may be surprised by how many options there are!

4. Talk to people who have traveled before

If you’re new to traveling, it can be hard to know what to expect. People who have traveled before can give you a lot of great advice on how they prepared for their trips and what they would do differently next time. Here are some questions you should ask:

  • What were the best parts of your trip?
  • What was the most challenging part of your trip?
  • What would or wouldn’t you do again if given the chance (or not)?

5. Host a cultural night at home

Hosting a cultural night at home is a fun and easy way to learn about different cultures. You can make your own local dish or invite friends to bring one from their culture, then invite others to bring music and art from their own cultures. Finally, don’t forget the national flag!

6. Learn the local language of your new destination

Learning the local language is one of the best ways to get a better understanding of the culture and people around you. It’s also an excellent way to make friends, get around town, and avoid getting ripped off by cab drivers or other locals who want to scam you.

If you’re planning on spending some time in a new country, it’s worth learning some basic phrases before you arrive. Even if they don’t speak English very well (or at all), most people will appreciate that you’ve taken an interest in them and their culture–and they’ll be happy to help out if there’s ever any trouble!

7. Expose yourself to different cultures, foods and languages as often as possible

One of the best ways to learn about a culture is to try new foods and see what they’re made of. You may have heard that eating insects or snakes is an important part of some cultures, but did you know that there are over 1,000 types of insects that people eat around the world? If you’re willing to try something new, there’s no telling what you might discover!

Another great way to learn about other cultures is by speaking their language. While it might seem intimidating at first, having a basic understanding of local language will help break down barriers between yourself and your new friends. You don’t need any special training or instruction; just pick up a phrasebook and start practicing!

If there’s one thing that can unite all people across all borders (and even beyond), it’s music–so why not listen closely when traveling abroad? Whether it’s classical composers from Mozart’s Vienna or folk music from Bob Dylan in New York City during his heyday with The Band back in 1970s America; hearing these artists perform live shows how unique experiences can bring us closer together despite our differences.”

8. Embrace differences and similarities with locals, friends and family members

  • Embrace differences and similarities with locals, friends and family members

Traveling is about experiencing new things, but it’s also about getting to know the people who live in the country you are visiting. You can learn a lot about a place by talking to the people who live there – their customs, traditions and values make up part of what makes each country unique from another! It’s important to be respectful of these differences–don’t assume that because someone does something differently than you do at home that it must be “weird” or “wrong.”

9. Travel during their off-season or periods that are less popular with tourists or expats

You may be surprised to find that traveling during less popular times or periods can be more affordable, enjoyable, and offer you a more unique experience.

This is especially true if you’re looking for an off-the-beaten path destination. For example: if you’re planning on visiting Southeast Asia during high season (November – April), it’s going to cost much more than traveling during low season (May – October). You’ll also probably have a lot fewer tourists around which means less crowds at attractions and better prices on transportation like taxis or Uber rides!

The same goes for any other destination in the world–if there’s something specific about your travel plans (such as visiting Europe over Christmas), try searching out alternative dates when there aren’t so many people around who are also doing the same thing!

Traveling is better when you embrace what’s different everywhere you go

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a new culture is to travel alone. This way, you don’t have anyone else’s expectations or opinions influencing your experience or perception. You can also be more flexible and open-minded when traveling solo because there aren’t any other people who need to agree with your decisions!

When it comes down to it, traveling is better when you embrace what’s different everywhere you go–and this includes everything from how people dress and speak their language (or languages) differently than where we’re from; what foods are local favorites; whether they use cash or credit cards; even how they spend their free time outside work hours…the list goes on!


Traveling is one of the best ways to grow as a person and learn about other cultures. But it’s not always easy! Here are ten simple tips that will help you get started on your journey towards becoming a more culturally aware traveler.