October 21, 2024

Mozell Hillard

Discover New Worlds

What I Celebrated Most About Christmas


I went to Europe, specifically France and Italy, for Christmas this year. It was my first time celebrating in Europe and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

What I Celebrated Most About Christmas

Christmas was a special time for me.

Christmas was a special time for me. I celebrated Christmas in Europe, where it’s traditionally celebrated on December 24th. The weather was cold and rainy, but that didn’t stop us from having fun!

I spent time with my family and ate lots of delicious food–especially the cookies my mom made from scratch. We also saw the sights and did some shopping at local markets or shops in our town or city center.

You don’t need to go far to celebrate Christmas, or even December 25th.

You don’t have to go far to celebrate Christmas, or even December 25th. You can celebrate Christmas any time of the year! It’s not just about December 25th!

The best part about this is that you don’t have to do anything special or different than what you would normally do on any other day of the year. The only difference is that when people ask you what your favorite holiday is, instead of saying “Christmas” (or whatever holiday they might be referring too), say “everyday” instead! That way everyone knows how much fun it is for me and my family otherwise known as “us”.

You can celebrate Christmas in any city or town, regardless of its origin.

You can celebrate Christmas in any city or town, regardless of its origin.

Christmas is a time for families to come together and enjoy each other’s company. It doesn’t matter where your family comes from–whether they are from England or Nigeria, it doesn’t matter if they are Christian or Muslim: Christmas is about love and giving gifts to others because you care about them.

The best part about celebrating Christmas isn’t necessarily the presents, but the people you share it with.

The best part about celebrating Christmas isn’t necessarily the presents, but the people you share it with.

Christmas is a time to spend with your family and friends, but that doesn’t mean you have to be home all day long! There are plenty of ways you can make sure everyone gets a gift they will enjoy and still have time for yourself.

To start off, try planning out who is getting what before hand or even picking out something special at the store so no one feels left out at dinner time. It’ll also help keep everyone’s mood light if they know exactly what they’re getting beforehand; it takes away some pressure from having to find something perfect on short notice! If possible though (and this might not always be possible depending on where you live), try gifting something personal instead such as tickets somewhere fun like an amusement park or movie theatre–these types of experiences will bring back memories in years down the road when looking back at old photos together again later down life’s path.”

And the food! We ate lots of delicious food during our travels around Europe.

Food is a big part of Christmas. A lot of people eat traditional foods at Christmas, but we also ate lots of delicious food that was not traditional for Christmas. Some examples are:

  • We had pasta with pesto sauce from Italy.
  • We had pizza with ham and pineapple from Germany.
  • We made sandwiches using baguettes instead of bread for our lunch on Christmas Day in France (which is where we were staying). Baguettes are usually eaten for breakfast or lunch in France because they’re long and thin like slices of bread–but they taste better!

My favorite part about celebrating Christmas was travelling around Europe and spending time with my family

My favorite part about celebrating Christmas was travelling around Europe and spending time with my family. I love going on vacation, but it’s even better when you get to spend the holidays with the people who mean so much to you.

Christmas is a time for traditions and memories, so making sure that these things happen is important. In addition, spending quality time together will help build lasting relationships among everyone involved in your family unit!


I was really happy to have celebrated Christmas in Europe. It was a great experience, and I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself and my family by travelling around.